Want to know the best 11 healthy habits that insanely fit people adhere to in their life? These are the healthy habits that will help you attain that fit body you’ve always wanted.

Getting lean, and fit, and staying lean and fit are not the same thing. Almost anyone can get lean, but not everyone knows how to stay lean. If you’re like me, then i’m sure you want to know what are the healthy habits of those who are fit year round doing differently to attain their physique.
I remember early on in my career in health & fitness I wanted to learn all the tips, and habits fit people adhered to in their lifestyle. I became obsessed with wanting to achieve, and sustain a healthy fit life forever.
You’re going to learn all the best habits that have helped me, and other insanely fit people on how to attain, maintain, and sustain a healthy lifestyle.
After learning all these habits, you’ll be able to simply add these into your own routine, and keep that fit physique year round.
This post is all about 11 healthy habits of insanely fit people.
11 Simple Healthy Habits of Insanely Fit People
1. Discipline > Emotion
You will find that every accomplished, and successful person has a strong sense of discipline. So much so that they’re less affected by their emotions. They show up whether or not they feel like it.
The beautiful thing about discipline is that it is a learned behavior that requires practice, and repetition. A great article written by FORBES in 2020 offers a step by step strategic method on how to cultivate self discipline.
In short, I will sum up the steps below from that article to help you get an idea:
- Figure out your strengths, and weaknesses
- Remove temptations
- Set Goal, and an execution plan
- Practice daily diligence
- Create new habits, and rituals
- Change your perception about will power
- Give yourself a back up plan
- Find trusted coaches or mentors
- Forgive yourself and move forward
I highly recommend checking out the full article found here.
2. Plan & Prepare
Every fit individual knows that sustaining a healthy, and fit physique doesn’t happen by accident. They set themselves up for success by planning, and preparing.
For instance, fit people create a plan on how they’re going to accomplish their goals nutritionally, physically, and emotionally. Along with blocking time for each to execute towards their goal.
“Fail to plan, than plan to fail.”
3. Self Identity
Often times we self sabotage because we’re stuck in the old mindset of who we were. Our thoughts, and old habits sometimes sneak their way in when we’re unaware, and don’t take control of our mind.(which takes practice.)
Therefore, creating self awareness is essential when wanting to create a new version of yourself. Having a new story or belief about yourself will help cultivate a new self identity, which is crucial when making big changes.
A few key tips in creating a new self image:
- Imagine the person you want to be, and the lifestyle you want to live
- Feel right now what it would truly feel like to already be that person living that life
- Shift your current life to reflect your future life (do small things now to live that reality)
- Expect it to be true
- Repeat daily
4. 80/20 Nutrition Rule
The 80/20 rule in reference to nutrition means 80% of the time you’re adhering to eating healthy food sources. Whereas, the other 20% you enjoy unhealthier food choices.
In doing so, you’re creating a sustainable balance in your eating habits. Iv’e adhered to this rule for over 10 years, and it’s created a healthy mentality towards food, and overall has made it easy to attain to longterm.
5. Make Exercise Fun
Every fit person you come across does not have the same exact exercise program as one another.
This is to say, that each individual has their own workout plan that works for them, that they enjoy, and is set up towards their own personal fitness goals.
Luckily, there are a plethora of activities that you can choose from, and change up at anytime. For instance, biking, hiking, dance, yoga, swimming, tennis, running, strength training, HIIT, boxing, etc. This list is almost endless.
Moreover, find an exercise program that you enjoy, as this is the secret to showing up, and sustaining your workouts for life.
6. Surround w/ Like Minded People
When you surround yourself with positive influence it becomes much easier to stay focused on your end goals.
Furthermore, you will feel more excited, energized, feel comfortable being yourself, and be motivated to becoming better.
If you do not have these type of people currently around than take inventory of where your people are, and do what you can to get close to them.
For instance, become a member or work at the same gym, or studios they do. Attend the same local meetups they would, eat, and shop at the same grocery stores they do. Read the books of those who have what you’re after.
In short, there is always a way to get closer to those like minded people, and overtime you will make friends because you share the same interests.
7. Manage Stress
Stress management is often overlooked, and underrated by most people. Lacking the importance of this factor can really wreak havoc on your health. It has been proven that chronic stress can lead to heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, depression, and much more.
Above all, many people are walking around with chronic stress, and don’t even realize it because, they’re so accustom to that feeling.
More often, fit people have learned not only the importance of stress, but how to manage it. Therefore, just like choosing an exercise program you like, you need to find things you enjoy that will help manage your stress level.
Examples of stress management tools:
- Dancing
- Painting
- Yoga, pilates, etc.
- Stretching
- Mediation
- Reading
- Going for a walk in nature
- Journaling
- Fishing
- Working on a fun project
- Massage
- Warm bath
8. Create Healthy Alternatives to Unhealthy Food
Fit people create, and find healthy alternatives to unhealthy food sources. Luckily for us, there are so many healthier options to choose from that still allow us to feel like we’re enjoying our guilty pleasures.
Furthermore, this is very beneficial for those of you who may have food allergies, or sensitivities to certain ingredients. The food industry is not prefect, but at-least they’re stepping up their nutrient game with some items.
It is worth a shot to try, and find healthier options on the market.
9. Drink Plenty of Water Daily
The key to optimizing your body, skin, appetite, mental state, and more is drinking plenty of water! This is probably the most important thing you can do for yourself, because without it you can literally die.
However, I purposely did not put it as number one because, i’m sure we have all heard this healthy habit tip a million times by now, or you’ve seen it in my other articles. But, drinking plenty of water is really that important
To get an idea of how much water you should consume daily try this calculator
10. Prioritize Sleep
Get your Zzzzzz. Make sure you’re prioritizing your sleep. Creating a sleep schedule for yourself can be truly beneficial. In short, lack of sleep can also cause many health problems, along with increasing stress, appetite, weight, depression, etc.
Personally, I am not perfect at this, as my mind often time keeps me up later then id prefer. However, I do make a strong effort to get as much rest as i can, when i can. Along with setting myself up for success to accomplish my rest.
If you have trouble with this as well, than perhaps try:
- Setting a sleep schedule
- Adding in melatonin(if you can)
- Wear a silk sleep mask
- Blackout room
- Turn A/C down
- Get off electronics an hour before bed
- Limit how much T.V you watch in the evenings
- Try not to eat sugar filled food right before bed, as this can inhibit sleep.
- Invest in a new mattress, or bedding
11. Consistency
Lastly, in accomplishing, maintaining, and sustaining a healthy fit lifestyle it is inevitable that you need to remain consistent with your healthy habits.
Fit people understand, that adhering to their healthy habits are a lifelong ritual. So, create and instill these healthy that will help get you closer to your goals, not further away.
In Conclusion
Fit people do not just get fit, and stay fit by accident. They implement these healthy habits which overall creates their healthy lifestyle. By implementing these habits yourself you will begin to reap the benefits, and create your own healthy lifestyle, thus allowing you to stay fit as well.

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