10 Reasons why it’s so important for women to have lean muscle. Firstly, lean muscle is an essential part of having a healthy body.
Lacking in lean muscle can cause a multitude of health issue. For instance, you’ll lack the strength to properly move, coordinate, or balance your body.
Lean muscle is also associated with your BMR( basil metabolic rate). Your metabolism will decrease, because of your body’s inability to breakdown fats, and sugars. In turn this will cause unwanted weight gain.
These are just a few issues that could occur without having enough lean muscle on your body.
If you’re already feeling like you may be lacking in obtaining lean muscle on your body, and need guidance on starting a workout routine then be sure to also checkout this post.
Moreover, the importance of having lean muscle should never be underrated, as it can elevate your health immensely.
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” Lean muscle will allow you to become leaner, and more powerful. Allowing you to sustain a healthier life.”
1. Increases Your BMR
As stated above, having lean muscle will help increase your Basic Metabolic Rate (BMR). The rate at which you burn calories at rest.
Changing your bodies fat to muscle ratio, will have a huge impact on your metabolism.
Lean muscle will always burn more calories than fat will. Therefore, incorporating more resistance training into your routine could really benefit your body, and overall health.
2. Improves Biomechanics
What does this mean exactly? It means that having lean muscle improves your bodies structure, function, and motion.
Lean muscle will ensure your posture is at it’s best. You’re able to balance properly in everyday tasks, and your coordination can perform optimally.
Without the proper amount of lean muscle mass on your body, you wouldn’t be able to function everyday movement properly or efficiently.
To get a good estimate of how much lean muscle is good for your body type, click here
3. Decreases Injury
As we build lean muscle through strength training, we’re also strengthening the tendons as well.
All of which help the body stay in proper alignment, and protect the bones and joints when moving under impact.
In order to move optimally it is vital to have lean muscle mass on your body. A leading piece of the puzzle for your body to function safely.
4. Prevents Osteoporosis
Another key factor to having lean muscle mass is the prevention of osteoporosis, a common risk in women’s health.
Osteoporosis means ” porous bones”. Meaning bones that are weak, and have lost density or mass, and can easily break.
There are many risk factors that come with having osteoporosis.
However, there is a way to combat, and strengthen your bones, and that is with building lean muscle.
Building lean muscle can strengthen your bone density, thus obtaining a healthier stronger body.
Which is why it’s so important for women to have lean muscle.
5. Reduces Cortisol
Cortisol is a stress hormone released by the adrenal glands in response to fear, or stress. Which is a normal mechanism.
However, too long of that heightened hormone in the body can have adverse effects. Causing abnormal body functions to take place such as, weight gain, anxiety, lowered immunity , and digestive system issues just to name a few.
Keeping cortisol levels balanced in your body is essential. Studies have shown that by simply getting in a 30-50 minute resistance training in on a regular basis can significantly improve stress, and reduce cortisol.
There are other natural resources to combine with exercise, that may help aid in lowering stress.
6. Increased Blood Circulation
Blood helps to carry oxygen throughout your body.
As we exercise we increase blood flow to each part of our body. The body is able to better utilize oxygen while removing waste through the lymphatic system.
In contrast, not engaging in any exercise, and living a sedentary lifestyle can wreak havoc on blood circulation.
In order for your body to function properly, and receive the right amount of oxygen throughout your system, you need to be exercising, and building lean muscle.
Start to create a weekly routine of just 30 minutes of daily activity to help increase lean muscle, and aid in better blood flow.
7. Improved Mental Health
Science, and many studies showed a significant increase on improved mental health when exercise is taken place routinely at a minimum of 3x week.
Exercise, and it’s attainment to build lean muscle has proven to reduce depression, increase mood, and boost self esteem.
Moreover, building lean muscle through exercising has proven to help with memory, and creativity.
So, the next time you’re exercising remember, it’s not just lean muscle your building, it’s also your mental strength.
8. Increases Confidence
“How you feel about yourself is the key to achieving anything in life.”
Self confidence can make or break the goals you’re after.
One of the biggest factors to building confidence is through taking action. Action towards what you want in life.
As you build lean muscle, thus toning, and tightening the body. You create an appearance that makes you feel, and look good.
Feeling good, and looking good enhances your self confidence ten fold, allowing you to conquer more in life.
That concludes 8 reasons why it’s so important for women to have lean muscle.

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