Doing these 3 Simple tactics daily will drastically help you to lose weight.
Whether you’re striving to lose 10 lbs or 100 lbs, incorporating these into your daily routine will be game changers in your weight loss journey.
After all, without implementing these simple tasks in your life, it will be a struggle for you to lose weight and or maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Often times the simplistic things can seem complex when you have too much information thrown at you on how to lose weight.
It really comes down to sticking with the basics day in and day out, to transform your body, and sustain a healthy life.
So, let’s dive into these 3 tactics.
3 Simple Tactics To Drastically Help You Lose Weight.
1. Add In Fruits & Veggies Daily.
Without changing anything else in your diet, or taking out any foods. Simply just begin adding in 1-2 servings a day of a fruit, and vegetable.
Sounds obvious, but you’ll honestly be surprised on how many people do not prioritize this.
As I have had numerous clients take inventory of the foods they consume throughout the week, and have come to realization that they have only incorporated fruits & veggies 1 day out the week.
In doing this simple thing everyday i promise you that your body will begin working more optimally, allowing your body to function properly, making it easier to lose weight.
Furthermore, since fruits, and vegetables are nutrient dense, and volumous, you’ll unconsciously begin to consume less processed foods when you prioritize adding in fruits & veggies daily.
In addition you can consume more whole food sources as their lower in calories, but offer jam packed nutrients your body needs to help you lose weight.
” A healthy outside, begins on the inside.”
2. Take a Stroll to Lose the Roll.
In other words, go for a 20-30 walk daily.
Walking is so underestimated, yet this simple move offers many benefits to the body, along with helping you lose, or maintain your weight.
It’s as easy as going to a walk around your neighborhood, park, trail, or a treadmill for just 20-30 minutes.
Furthermore, walking puts less stress on the joints, and body. Along with improving circulation, mobility, and enhances mood. All of which reduce stress, thus keeping your cortisol level low. Making weight loss much easier to achieve.
In addition, while you’re getting your daily stroll on, listen to a podcast, or create a playlist of your favorite songs.
Watch the time fly by, and the calories burn with ease.
3. Prioritize Your Sleep.
Researchers have found that when you cut back on sleep, it increases your hunger hormone “ghrelin”, causing you to overeat. Lack of sleep also, increases your stress hormone cortisol, and drains your energy levels.
All of which will make it extremely difficult for you to lose weight.
Getting adequate sleep is important for weight loss, and overall health.
In short, getting between 7-9 hours of sleep each night is recommended to obtain, and sustain a healthy weight,
Tips for quality sleep for weight loss:
- Keep a regular sleep schedule
- Don’t eat right before bed, as this could make it harder for you to fall & stay asleep.
- Sleep in a dark room
- Turn down the temperature
- Have white noise (i.e. a fan to help down out noise)
In Conclusion
Incorporating these 3 simple tactics in your daily routine can help you to not only lose weight, but enhance your overall health.

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