Tips for being productive when you work from home.
Most of the population have the option to work from home, however most of people tend to get distracted much easier then before.
Therefore, it is crucial to have tactics that will keep you productive, and keep you from getting distracted from what is important.
So, lets dive right in.
“Focus on being productive, instead of busy.”
1. Go To Bed At A Good Hour
Sleep deprivation can cause a plethora of health issue, make us sluggish, unproductive, create havoc on our hormones, and cause us to eat bad food.
Nothing good comes from lack of sleep. Therefore, in order to really ensure a successful, and productive day ahead, getting to bed at a healthy hour is advisable.
Studies have shown the benefits, and disadvantages of sleep or lack there of. It is merely the most important factor to your overall well-being, and having a truly productive day.
2. Let The Sunshine In
Sunlight helps boost a chemical in your brain called serotonin, which can give you more energy, and keep you calm, positive, and productive.
So, wake up, and open up those shades. Allow the sun to shine in, and illuminate your home, filling it up with good energy.
3. Immediately Rinse
Rinsing your body or face upon awakening will help to perk you up by stimulating your bodies senses, and the colder the better.
Cold water sends impulses to your brain, and the stimulation increases alertness, clarity, and energy levels.
Doing this, will surely put a pep in your step toward your productive day.
4. Have a Self Care Routine
Take the time to be selfish, and care for thyself. Care for yourself physically, mentally and emotionally.
- Read that new book you have been wanting to dive into.
- Soothe your body in a bubble bath, and face mask.
- Take a new online course on something of interest.
- Learn how to meditate or do yoga, new home workout.
- Go outside for a bit for some fresh air, and sunlight. (But, stay away from other’s)
- Paint, dance, draw, write, etc. (Get your creative juices flowing)
Slowing down can actually make us more productive in the tasks most important to us. With less outside distractions on others needs, we’re now having more space, and time on our own needs.
The more time, and effort we put into our own self care needs has also shown to reduce stress, and boost the immune system.
Taking care of thyself more, has also proven to allow us to become better caretakers for others as well.
5. Stick To a Routine

Creating or sticking to a similar routine can help keep us grounded, and structured.
I know it can be easy to stay up late, and binge watch netflix or tiktok. Sleep in til whenever, and become slothful.
Moreover, not adhering to any sort of routine can build bad habits quickly. Not to mention it will make you go insane overtime without any structure in your day.
Quick Daily Tips:
- Block time in a calendar
- Wake up at a descent hour.
- Keep meals at similar times everyday. (So your not just snacking all day/night)
- Schedule time in to learn something new.
When we have structure in our day, we’re more likely to get more things done.
Invest in a calendar, and a white board/cork-board to hang on my wall. Therefore, you can wake up, visually know what the day has to offer for success, and conquer your productive day!
In doing so, it gives you a clear vision of the day, any important events, but also reminds you of the goals you’re striving towards everyday.
Here are a few different options for you, depending on your taste.
6. Take Time To Connect
Working from home can get lonely, and it’s easy to unconsciously isolate ourselves.
Studies have shown that positive emotions from connecting with others can make us more productive, aiding in overall success in our day.
We’re creatures whom are meant to connect. It is an essential part of our being. Without connection, depression can sink in, and we don’t want to make any space for that.
A simple phone call or text can be a gamer changer for someone, and of course for your own well-being.
That Wraps Up Tips To Be Productive When You Work From Home.
P.S If you found this article helpful or can help another woman in any way please share, and comment below what you loved most!

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