How to protect yourself during the pandemic when you have cystic fibrosis.
We can’t control what’s happening in the world, but we can choose to control how we all react to it.
I found it extremely important, and I felt called to talk about ways on how I protect myself from coronavirus when I have Cystic Fibrosis.
Now more than ever is a time for the C.F community, and the families to stay strong, supportive and mindful for one another.
The Coronavirus also known as COVID-19 has now been labeled as a “pandemic” and has spread to many countries over the world.
We also know that people over 60, and those with any health conditions such as cystic fibrosis for example are most at risk, and susceptible to the coronavirus.
How To Protect Yourself During The Pandemic When You Have Cystic Fibrosis
First, and foremost let’s educate, and execute properly. This is the time to be proactive, and not reactive. Plan and prepare properly with intention not panic.
We want to keep our immune system strong, and in order to do that we need to remain calm and collected. By stressing out too much you are affecting the body immensely. In return of that stress it will wear you down, and make you sick, both mentally, and physically.
As a Cystic Fibrosis superwoman myself, I have been taking extra precaution to protect myself from the coronavirus, physically, mentally and emotionally.
Disclaimer: I am not a Doctor, and do not claim to be in any way. I am just simply sharing helpful tips through my own experience.
1. Do Extra Treatments!
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Yep, that’s right salty friend!
Most if not all of the C.F community are having to stay home more often to avoid the crowds to lessen any contact with the coronavirus.
Therefore, adding in those extra treatments where you can, would be very beneficial to your health, especially now. And most likely you have the time now to do so, so no excuses! (please be sure to use caution with medication, only take appropriate dosage.)
You can surely be doing more vest therapy treatments, using the flutter, or chest cupping to keep the lungs clear. Use whatever method is best fit for you, just take time to add extra into your day right now to keep lungs healthy, and lower any chance of infection.
Healthy self by healing thyself with extra treatments!
2. Prepare Your Home.
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The demand for food, and toiletries are at an all time high.
Clearly this is not rocket science, but I do think it’s best in this case to prepare for the worst. The last thing you want to do as a person with cystic fibrosis, or family member of a C.F person is to have to expose yourself to the public to stock up on supplies.
More exposure, more risk!
It’s also savvy to have extra stock of any medications needed, antibiotics, and even Ensure Plus or BOOST. You want to be sure your getting enough proper nutrients to maintain your weight, thus helping you fight off any infection that could occur.
We don’t know how long this pandemic could last, so having enough medications to last is a key element. Or gosh forbid any person with C.F happens to get an infection of some sort during this outbreak, you also at least have antibiotics at your convenience.
Prepare, and plan ahead my salty friends.
3. Give Where You Can.
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Now is the time for us to lend a helping hand to our C.F communities if we can.
I’m not suggesting exposing yourself to one another in an unhealthy setting. I’m simply just suggesting to help out others where you seek fit.
For instance, donating any extra medicine to those who have little to no supply. Of course having enough supply, and then some for yourself first, but any extra thereafter could be used to donate to someone in need.(Call your C.F team, and see where you could donate your supply.)
I personally experienced this generous process on the receiving end. As I am not currently covered by any health insurance, and my patient assistant program paperwork is still being processed. I happen to have no pancreatic enzymes at my hands.
So I reached out to my C.F team, and they happen to help supply me with some samples they had in the meantime. A little after talking with them, a kind fellow C.F patient had donated some extra bottles he had, which they in turn used to supply me with even more enzymes.
I was so grateful, and it’s those small thoughtful gestures that can really help another patient go far.
Other areas where you could give in our C.F community would be spreading awareness to others about the severity, cleanliness, and health care treatments those C.F patients need.
Not everyone knows what cystic fibrosis is. A lot of the time we don’t look sick on the outside, so people don’t always understand the extra precautions to take around us.
By simply getting that knowledge out there to others, and spreading the awareness, it could really make a huge impact in our C.F. community.
Lastly, another great resource in helping give to those with C.F. is by simply being a support system for someone to talk to. Cystic Fibrosis is complex enough, and with all this commotion about the coronavirus, it’s nice to be able to have someone to connect with, and talk to openly.
In a world that’s gone crazy, it’s nice to have someone to keep you calm, and grounded.
We’re not in this alone.
4. Be Financially Savvy.
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Protect your bank account too. Many people don’t realize that those with cystic fibrosis are automatically at risk with the coronavirus.
Those with cystic fibrosis are having to isolate themselves right away to lower their exposure to this virus breakout.
Going to work in a public setting for most of us, is no longer an option right now if you have cystic fibrosis. It’s affected many of those in the C.F community including myself.
It can be a scary moment to think that your income could potentially be at a sudden stop right now. This is the time to take inventory, and be strategic on your spending habits. For some it may be a time to reach out, ask for help, and/or give help to those who need it financially.
We need to be mindful of this all.
But how can we be mindful, yet abundant, and look for a good opportunity here?
Well, the online course business is said to be a billion dollar industry by 2025. Why not get started now on sharing those skills, and that passion of yours online.
Take advantage of this time to learn a new skill, create an online business, and start adding that value to the world utilizing these online resources to create a new source of income.
Instead of spending money where you don’t need to, especially now. Invest in yourself. Learn, grow, and share.
5. Faith Over Fear.
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Now let’s protect your mind, because the mind controls the body.
With a strong mindset you can conquer and get through anything. When you are strong mentally, you are strong physically. And we want to be as strong as we can through this coronavirus breakout.
Have faith in knowing this to shall pass. Focus on what you can do, and not what you can’t. The more calmness you spread, the more those around you will remain calm as well.
I find during stressful times, what really calms my mind and body is doing guided meditation. A simple tactic like meditation could truly be a game changer during this scary time.
6. At Home Yoga.
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Yoga has a multitude of benefits, and has been shown to increase immune systems.
It appears that yoga can modulate the stress response systems. Meaning it lowers heart rate, lowers blood pressure and eases respiration.
Best of all practicing yoga, and the breathing practices that come with it help improve airways and respiratory muscles. In turn having a great relief for people suffering with cystic fibrosis.
I find when I do yoga the tension in my body relaxes, my emotions are calm, and I become more self aware of my breathing.
Yoga is an amazing practice to add into your day. It’s the perfect time now to incorporate this practice to better your well-being while you are at home, isolated from the world.
Plus, there are so many At Home Yoga Workouts Online. Try it out Here!
7. Add In Holistic Remedies.
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Continue to boost that immune system as much as possible. On top of all your treatments, and other precautions, add in some home remedies to help elevate your health.
Here are a list of things I have in my home that may be great to add into yours. The home remedies can be a great addition to helping boost your immunity.
Don’t Forget To Wash Your Hands!

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