How to lift butt + get a small waist. Full 10 minute workout video to follow from home, below!
Who’s ready to get that hourglass figure?
Having a flat butt, and feeling unhappy with you waistline is no way to live, and it definitely wont make you feel confident.
When working towards a flat tummy, and a lifted booty we want ensure that we not only train properly, but we’re also nourishing the body properly as well.
Adhering to both these methods will help you achieve the body you want.
Which brings me to my first tip.
1. Nutrition

Firstly, in order to obtain a hourglass figure we have to make sure we are fueling the body with the right foods.
What we feed our bodies, can make or break your figure, right?
Nutrition is a huge part of having a slimmer waist, yet having enough nutrients to feed that booty.
Keep in mind that we don’t want to feed the body just anything!
“Food is meant to fuel the body, so choose wisely.”
In other words, we need to feed your body the proper nutrients in order to function at optimal levels.
Therefore, when our bodies are fueled with the right foods, our digestive system can than function optimally, thus leaving our bodies feeling refreshed, less bloated, and cleanse on a daily basis ( a.k.a regular poop schedule)
A great rule of thumb to live by is the 80% – 20% method. Eating lean, and clean healthy foods 80% of the time, and having 20% of those unhealthier food options so we don’t feel deprived, and we can succeed in our healthy lifestyles.
Eating healthier foods a majority of the time will also gives your body the energy it needs to workout, yoga, dance, or cycle, etc. That is to say, when we execute these activities, we’re able to sustain the energy that will obtain a tone body thus creating a beautiful figure.
In conclusion, what you eat makes a huge difference in your fitness goals, and shaping the body the way you want.
Here are some great food options:
- Fish
- Chicken
- Lean Beef
- Turkey
- Tofu
- Eggs
- Nut Butters
- Pumkin/Chia Seeds
- Spirulina
- Beans
- Spinach
- Brussel Sprouts
- Broccoli
- Rice
- Quinoa
- Oats
- Potato
- Swt Potato
- Legumes
- Beans
- Beets
- Bananas
- Apples
- Lentil Pastas
- Nut Butters
- Nuts
- Avocado, Avocado Oil
- Beans
- Salmon
- Tuna
- Beef
- Pork
- Eggs w/ yolk
- Coconut, Coconut Oil
- Olives, Olive Oil
- Chia seeds
- Edemame
- Flax seeds
2. Isolation Exercises

Certainly, if you want to perk up that peach,and whittle the waist then incorporating isolation exercises to your workout is necessary.
Isolation exercises limit to a specific muscle group, and involve one joint throughout the movement. This helps us target that one specific area.
For example: We want to target the glutes, so an exercise like the kickback, or fire hydrant would be considered an isolation exercise for that muscle.
Moreover, incorporating isolation exercises either at the beginning or end of your workouts would be recommended depending on your fitness goals.
I personally love to add in some glute isolation with a BOOTY BAND at the beginning of some workouts before I squat or do deadlifts to activate my glute muscles.
Overall, do what best fit your needs, but definitely be sure to add isolating movements to your workouts.
Lift Booty + Flat Abs Workout

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