Want to know the best ways on how o get out of a rut, when you’re feeling stuck, unmotivated, and just mentally exhausted? Than, this article is for you! As I will be diving deep into 6 key ways on how to increase your energy, take back your power, and overall get unstuck.

Waking up, and feeling like you’re stuck in a funk is both mentally, and physically exhausting. It drains you so much that you literally don’t feel like doing anything. Which causes you to feel even more stuck.
I remember when I was going through this vicious cycle, it took so much energy to even want to get out of bed and take on the day. It took a little time, but I slowly began to snap out of this state, and started picking up momentum again.
There are ways I found to help get unstuck, and take back my own control, and i’m sharing those helpful steps in this article.
After learning all these helpful tips you too will be able to regain your energy, and begin feeling happier, and motivated to take on each day.
This post is all about 6 ways on how to get out of a rut when you’re feeling unmotivated.
1. Take Ownership
Taking ownership on where you’re, and how you got here, is the first step. This not only allows you ta take responsibility , but it allows you to find the problem. Which, let’s be honest the problem is within ourselves.
It’s oftentimes the habits or lack there of that has gotten us to this point. So, now that we’re self aware of them, we can now begin to create a solution.
I recommend taking a few minutes to take inventory on the habits you need to let go of, and those healthy habits you need to begin to add to your routine.
2. Motion Creates Emotion
I first heard this statement by Tony Robbins that “motion creates emotion” and he believes in this so much that he implements this in his workshops.
In short, studies show that people retain more, and are emotionally engaged when they’re physically engaged.
Movement allows an energy boost to spark an emotional boost.
Oftentimes, when we’re feeling stuck, we sit, and overthink, which only makes us to continue to feel stuck.
So. when we begin to move our bodies we create a positive energy flow. You can do this through dance, working out, walking, and moreover taking action towards your goals.
3. Change Your Environment
If you want to change your life than you must change your environment. Changing your environment changes your state of mind.
This can be as simple as going to a new coffee shop, taking a walk in nature at a local park, or on the beach. Perhaps you want to try a new yoga studio.
This can also be as big as moving to a new city, or traveling around the world. Regardless, getting in a new environment can have a huge impact on how you feel, and getting you in a better mental state.
Changing your environment also allows your creative juices flowing again, and sparking new inspiration.
Lastly be mindful when you choose a new environment, choose to be around like minded people. put yourself in places where you will be able to connect with those that inspire you.
This will enhance your energy, and create a community of people that will push you to level up.
4. The Power Of The Pivot
The word “pivot” means a shift or a turning. Oftentimes in buisness this means implementing a new strategy.
It’s important to understand that nothing in life in linear. There will be moments in your life where you’re faced with adversity.
And when that moment happens you can choose to fight against the friction or decide to shift ,and change things up every now and then.
When you allow yourself to have an open mind, and be willing to shift plans as needed, a whole new wave of opportunity in life can come along.
5. Disconnect From Technology
Technology breeds two things mental exhaustion, and the comparison syndrome. Both of which cause fatigue, unworthiness, and moreover feeling stuck
So when we take a break, shut off from the online world, this allows us to get in tune within ourselves, our goals, and to get focused on what we truly want in life.
Moreover, it shuts off outside influence, and it creates space for fresh creativity.
You can achieve this be simply refusing to pick that phone first thing in the morning. Taking that first 30-60 minutes to just be with yourself, no tv, no laptop. Just you, and your thoughts.
6. Create An Alter Ego
This has got to be my favorite tip, and Beyonce is the queen of doing this, along with other high profile people.
They create and tap into a different persona. Which allows them to open up into becoming an enhanced version of themselves when they’re not feeling it, or when they’re put into uncontrollable situations.
By doing this you’re giving yourself permission to release your inner goddess, or boss babe vibes without guilt or awkwardness.
The more you tap into this, the easier it will be for you to eventually become this enhanced version of who you want to be.
So, don’t be afraid to throw on a different hat (figuratively) and begin emulating the person you wish to be.
In Conclusion
Overall, taking these necessary steps will allow you to get unstuck, and begin enjoying life while striving towards your goals. Life is meant to be enjoyed, after-all it’s our playground. Remember, we have the power to change, and choose to be happy. We only get one life, so make it your best!
You can also find inspiration on this topic on apple podcast >>> HERE
That Wraps Up How to Get Out Of A Rut When You’re Feeling Unmotivated

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