Create a NEW YOU in 2021! Full video below! Eliminate what isn’t working, elevate what is, and create new habits for a NEW YOU!
In order to change, we must first change how we see ourselves, followed by executing the right habits that are congruent with our NEW self.
Creating a new you does’t happen over night, it takes daily practice to not only prime your mind with the new you, but to release the thoughts of the old you. Releasing those negative beliefs that aren’t benefiting your life anymore.
I have evolved my life, and continue to create a better version of myself often, and the steps i’m giving you today I do myself, and will help to create a new you!
I’m not going to say it will be easy, because it won’t. It will take dedication, discipline, and daily practice everyday throughout the day to change your thoughts, and add in new habits that will elevate yourself.
But I promise you, that if you seek change it will happen, and it will be well worth it!
1. Self Evaluation
To Create real change, we must first ask ourselves a couple questions. Before starting anything, or creating anything new we must first begin with evaluating thyself.
Now you must ask yourself: (write each question/answer down.)
- How do I see myslef now, in this moment? What habits are my doing now that is holding me back from being, and looking like I want?
- How does the best version of my future self act, and look like?
- What habits would I need to instill right now to begin living like the best version of myself?
- Why do I want to become that better version of myself?
- How does that better version of myself make me feel?
This is the time to get open, and honest with yourself, so I suggest going to a place alone and writing this in a journal so you can feel safe, and not be influenced or feel jugged by others. (not that anyones opinion matters, because it doesn’t) But writing alone ensures no negative energy is around you to hinder yours in this process.
By writing these answers down, you’re giving yourself a clear vision of what you want, and how to become that person you want.
2. Have a Firm Belief
Your beliefs about who you believe you are can make or break this journey. Now that we have answered the above questions, we must now begin to instill those new beliefs into our minds of the person we want to be
You must believe you’re that better version of yourself. Believe this at your core, and create these constant thoughts of the new you all day, everyday.
You may find your mind reverting back to your old beliefs, however the second you become aware, you have the power to change them back to the positive.
A few helpful tips that have really helped me in this process:
- Creating a vision board. A board that you can view daily that trigger your new belief system. this is a game changer, and it will enhance your beliefs for the better.
- Practicing Self awareness. You can do this by meditation, silence, getting out in nature, setting down the electronics, and or setting alarm/reminders in your phone to go off 3x/day that help put you in the present moment, and to just take a breather. (I love guided meditation, and nature walks by myself to help me stay self aware)
- Surrounding yourself with like minded souls, and letting go of the people who don’t serve the new version of whom you want to evolve into.
3. Act As If
Now that we have a clear written down version of ourselves, and we have began to instill new beliefs to our mind, it is now time to Act As If.
What does acting As If mean exactly?
It means living life now like the new version of yourself. Start right now acting as if you are the new you. Begin doing the same habits she would do, start dressing, eating, walking and talking like that new you would.
When you take your new beliefs, and begin acting like this new person, your body and mind will become congruent, and you will truly change into the new you faster, and permanently.
4. Practice Daily
There will be days that your old habits, and sabotaging thoughts try to creep in. Don’t worry this is normal, and when we are releasing bad thoughts that we’ve been accustom to for so long, it takes time.
The best advice I can give you for battling this behavior, is by practice living, and believing as the new you would everyday.
As stated above, when we change our belief system, and change how we act, we than change.
This takes looking at your vision board multiple times a day, learning how to stay self aware, and present throughout each day, and eating, dressing, and talking like that new you would every single day.
5. Don’t Give Up!
Change is not easy. It takes time, dedication, patience with yourself, discipline, and persistence.
No matter how many times you find yourself falling off tracks, just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, forgive yourself, and know that no matter what you can do this.
You are unstoppable, and anything worth having takes time.
I believe in you. Change is possible, because I have changed myself, and continue to do so all the time. The one thing that has helped me through this journey is forgiving myself, and not giving up.
Don’t ever give up.
I Look Forward To The New YOU!
P.S If you found this article helpful or can help another woman in any way please share, and comment below what you loved most!
I love to hear from you!

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