This post is all about why you’re not seeing any glute gains.

Building a booty can be a struggle for some of us, especially if you’re not implementing certain strategies into your routine. Or perhaps you think you’re implementing the correct strategies but come to find out you may not be.
I understand first hand how hard it can be to attain glute gains. As a skinny girl with a fast metabolism it takes allot of hard work, and consistency to obtain results.
I’ve also been guilty of thinking I was doing everything right at one point, but wondering why i wasn’t seeing any glute gains.
Which is why i’m sharing these tips with you today, because if you’re anything like me you want to get down to the nitty gritty, and execute this glute gain journey properly.
This post is all about Reasons why you’re not seeing glute gains.
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5 Reasons Why You’re Not Seeing Glute Gains
1. Calories (Food)
More often than not, I find that people including myself at one point may not be actually eating enough food to feed your body properly to even sustain building a booty.
It’s very common, especially for us women to not want to eat allot of food in fear we will get fat. However, not eating enough can wreak havoc on your metabolism, and nourishment for your body to thrive optimally.
In short, yes eating an over abundance of calories consistently for weeks, and months on end can make you gain fat only if you’re not using up some of those energy resources (i.e exercise, walking, other physical activity)
But weight gain (muscle weighs more then fat) is inevitable when wanting to attain glute gains. Muscle especially needs those energy resources ( a.k.a calories) to fuel your body, and build that booty.
Therefore, eating in a calorie surplus, meaning consuming more then your maintenance calories is a must when attaining glute gains.
I recommend doing one of two things to get your recommended calorie intake.
- Getting a Resting Metabolic Rate Test (RMR) – most accurate
- Using an Online Calculator >>> TDEE Calculator – not as accurate, but a great place to start
From here you can get an idea of your maintenance calories, and then begin to add the necessary calories needed to get into a slight surplus.
2. Workouts
The second most common mistake you may be making that could be effecting your glute gains is not having the proper workout routine in place.
In short, just showing up, and winging it is not going to help you attain the glute gains you’re after.
Having a strategy in place is necessary when striving towards your new physique.
Combining both compound movements, and isolations are a must for honing in on those glute gains. I also find in very beneficial to workout your lower body multiple times a week, with one of those days being a glute focused workout.
Do what works best for you, but here is my current workout split:
- Monday – Quad Focused
- Wednesday – Upper Body
- Friday – Hamstring Focused
- Sat or Sun – Glute Focused
I personally strive to hit lower body 2-3x a week currently, while making sure I have rest days in between. I’m strategic with my rest days because, I find it takes my body some time to recover from squats, and leg presses.
“Failing to plan, is planning to fail.”
Here are some of my favorite gym accessories:
3. Progressively Overloading
What is the meaning of progressive overload? It’s when you gradually increase weight, frequency, or number of repetitions in your workout routine.
In doing so, you’re allowing your body the opportunity to gain strength, and build more lean muscle tissue in that booty.
I recently added in a supplement called Creatine Monohydrate to my regimen. Although supplements are not necessary, they are great to add in overtime. As Creatine does offer much benefit in increasing performance, and overtime muscle gains.
4. Consistency
I’m sure you’ve heard that consistency is key, but it truly is. Showing up for yourself continuously, while maintaining patience is easier said than done, I know!
This leads me to say, that glute gains will not happen over night, it takes time to build that perky peach. So, continue to show up for yourself girlie!
5. Rest to Rebuild
The most underrated advice in fitness is rest, and recovery.
Rest is essential for allowing your body to rebuild the muscle tissue you’re tearing within each workout.
Overtraining is a thing, it can cause your performance to decrease, and can lead to injury if you’re careful.
In conclusion, making sure you’re getting proper rest days as needed in between your workouts will overall enhance your fitness goals.
That Wraps Up 5 Reason Why You’re Not Seeing Glute Gains

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