Foods that burn fat, and boost metabolism.
They’re certain foods that can help aid in fat loss for sure, and I have a few listed below.
Before we dive in please note that having fat on your body is not necessarily a bad thing, ok! We need fat on our bodies to function properly.
Not having enough good fat on our bodies can cause issues like:
- Fertility problems
- lower immune system
- vitamin deficiency
- up the risk of heart and/or diabetes
Studies recommend a healthy/acceptable percentage for women is 20-30% body fat. For healthy/fit 13-20% body fat. Now again this is different for every body type.
It’s when we get below 11% or above 30% is when issues are caused. I recommend seeing and Dr. or Fitness professional to measure you for an accurate reading.
Getting an accurate reading can also determine if you have allot of visceral fat (bad fat) or not.
Fat Is placed differently on areas of your body, and depending on where its located, and how it feels can help you discover what kind of fat it may be.
There are two main types of FAT Subcutaneous Fat and Visceral Fat.
Subcutaneous Fat, the less harmful fat sits around your hips, legs and arms, tend to feel more squishy, and can jiggle more. Visceral fat is located deeper in, and around the organs that tend to be in the midsection area, and feels more firm or hard like.
Luckily you can loose this fat when you decide to create a healthy lifestyle for yourself. Meaning you begin to eat the right foods to nourish, and fuel your body, and you start to move your body daily. Health is a lifestyle, not a quick fix.
They’re many high quality foods that a great for nourishing the body with plenty of macro, and micronutrients. Below I am giving you a list of 5 that are specific to aiding in the body losing more fat, and keeping it simple, so I’m not over bombarding you with too much info.
So let’s dive into some of these food options that can help burn fat.
Fermented Foods
Fermented foods like:
- sauerkraut
- kimchi
- kombucha
- certain yogurts
These are rich in pre, and Probiotics that are good bacteria foods that are great for gut health, digestion, and overall weight loss.
Fermented foods also helps break down, and digest other foods as well, again aiding in overall gut health, and less bloat.
Saurkraut specifically is rich methionine, which helps to strip away visceral fat from, and around the liver. It also detoxifying others organs in the body.
Just a little added to your day in a side dish, can do wonders.
Salmon is a delicious fish packed with high quality protein, and loaded with omegas-3 fatty acids which have been shown to reduce inflammation in the body, along with decrease heart disease and aid in weight loss.
This fish is the perfect choice, and it will fill you up with a plethora of benefits to go along with it.
If you’re not a fan of Salmon, then you can always substitute with an Omega-3 Supplement. Just be sure to find a high quality capsule, this ensures you are getting the full micro and macronutrients from a good quality source.
It’s no secret that these superfoods are one of the power house choices for weight-loss. Avocados are packed with healthy fats, and are high in potassium which aid in the stabilization of blood sugar levels, while also suppressing any sugar cravings you may have.
Remember that this delicious little superfood can go a long way, as avocados do carry allot of calories.
Eggs are delicious, easy to make, and the yolks are filled with a rich source of choline.
CHOLINE helps the body to break down, and transport fat by supporting a healthy liver. Choline also helps to strengthen the gallbladder which helps to strip away fat from the stomach.
So when ever someones asks if you want breakfast for dinner, say YES!
A great fat burning food source. Whether it’s green cabbage, purple cabbage or bow chop.. All forms are powerful, and amazing for boosting friendly bacteria in the gut, therefore improving digestion.
Cabbage is also high in potassium. Potassium helps reduce insulin in the body allowing the body to burn fat for a fuel source.
If you’re not a fan of eating cabbage or wok chow, you could always blend up in a smoothie or juice. A healthy a delicious fat burning elixir drink!
Let The FAT BURNING Begin!
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