What to do to flatten lower belly?
Flattening our lower belly’s comes down to 2 strategic methods.
These methods will give you that smaller waistline you’ve been wanting, and can be done without having to go to the gym or doing a bunch of crunches.
Both are very important, and are needed to support each other. When done on a daily basis you can achieve a flatter lower tummy much quicker.
They’re easy habits to adapt into your life, and are guaranteed to work.
So let’s dive in!
1. Vacuums
This simple to do method is very much underrated, yet it is hands down the #1 move to achieve a smaller waist, and a flat lower belly.
The lower muscles for most are undertrained, and are a weak area of our bodies. Not only do most of us sit all day, but we’re not training that part of our body properly. Due to this weakness the muscle in that area are more relaxed, and lengthened causing our tummy’s to have a pooch.
Endless crunches, and sit-ups don’t have an effect on creating a smaller waistline or flattening our belly’s. Crunches, and sit-ups strengthen our core, and build muscle, but that doesn’t mean its necessarily creating a smaller or flatter belly.
See the transverse abs run horizontal, whereas as crunches train more of the abdomen in a vertical manner.
When we strengthen the transverse with this simple vacuum method we then pull everything in like a corset would do for your belly. Keeping your tummy flat, and more cinched in.
Doing this vacuum maneuver first thing in the morning everyday for only 1 min is guaranteed to help flatten your lower belly.
You can activate this muscle no matter what belly fat level you’re at.
- Standing or table top position (getting on all fours)
- Breathe in deep
- Exhale all the air out
- Pull belly button into spine (you should see ribcage more than normal)
- Contract/tighten, and hold for as long as possible
- Repeat until your contractions have equaled up to 1 minute.
Do this simple method everyday to achieve a flatter lower belly.
2. Clean Up Food
If you want to see more definition, and get more of a flatten belly, then eating clean is going to have a huge impact to achieving your goals.
No amount of cardio, or weight training will out work bad nutrition.
Vacuums will help to cinch in waist, but nutrition will be the key method to seeing more of a defined appearance.
When we ingest processed, sugary, and greasy food.. You will notice that we tend to bloat more, and overall begin to store more fat.
Eating clean whole foods will allow your digestive system to work at optimal level, rid the body of unwanted toxins, burn more fat for fuel, and allow you to get a leaner appearance in the abdomen area.
Eating clean does not mean depriving yourself either, after all we want to make this habit sustainable long term. Overall aim to eat clean 80% of the time, leaving 20% for your enjoyable foods, just remember everything in moderation so you’re not sabotaging your healthy habits.
I recommend if you do have a special occasion or an event coming up, to eat clean as much as possible, and to stay clear of those foods you know will bloat or bother your digestive system. Therefore, you look your absolute best on that special day.
P.S If you found this article helpful or can help another woman in any way please share, and comment below what you loved most!
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