Are you eating healthy, but not losing weight?
Certainly you’re frustrated, discouraged, and ready to give up on your health journey already, because you’re not seeing the results expected to receive when you believe you’re eating healthier food.
I know it can be a battle with many people, so you are not alone!
It can take some time to understand, and adhere to what is healthy, and what may not be.
However, I can guarantee once you learn the 5 common mistakes, and strategies, you’re going to feel more at ease, confident in conquering your nutrition plan, and begin seeing the results you expect with eating healthy.
1. Reading Labels Wrong
Common mistake number one. Reading labels instead of ingredient.
Labels can easily be misleading. False advertisement is a big issue, and the FDA can only approve so much. Furthermore, testing the accuracy of each product takes allot of time, and money.
Therefore, some companies take advantage of this, and find loop holes to better market, and sell their products to us in using certain labeling.
Do to this, it leaves the consumer confused, yet frustrated when they thought they were eating something healthy, when it turns out it wasn’t.
Labels can read:
- Fat Free
- Gluten Free
- Vegan
- No Trans Fat
- Low Calorie
- Zero Sugar
Most importantly these labels do not always make it a healthy food option! So how do we solve this issue?
By actually reading the Ingredients, not just the labels on the front. Companies know how to market their brand, or they have a wizard team working for them that does. It’s no accident that brands lure you in with pretty colors, eye catching labels, and other techniques. It’s their job to get you to buy, regardless if they’re on the cusp of false advertising.
The truth is in the ingredients, not the label. So PLEASE READ THE INGREDIENTS no matter what! Especially if you’re starting out in your weight-loss journey. If you need extra help, hire a professional to guide you through the process.
My general rule of thumb when reading ingredients is to ensure there is no more then 7-8 ingredients. Once you get past 10 ingredients in most cases it tends to be filled with junk, fillers, and processed crap that you don’t need.
Another rule I like to adhere too is if I cannot pronounce it, I will look it up. Again in allot of cases, if you cannot pronounce it, it’ may be a clean ingredient. That’s why I suggest getting out your phone to do a quick google search to ensure you know what you’re putting in your body.
Overtime you won’t need to search as often, because you will begin to become competent in what is good or bad.
2. Not Being Self Aware When Snacking
Not being aware throughout the day can have a negative impact on your health goals. This will hands down sabotage your success in wanting to maintain or lose weight.
They’re are 3 main issues when you’re constantly snacking with no awareness:
- Every time you eat something, it spikes insulin. Insulin, and fat burning cannot cohabitate together. So you’re making it harder for you to achieve your goals.
- You’re consuming unknown, and unwanted calories. These little snacks/drinks throughout the day have more calories sometimes then you think, and when you’re snacking frequently those calories add up quickly.
- Having no self awareness, is having no discipline. You cannot be disciplined without being self aware of your thoughts, and actions throughout the day. No one can succeed at anything in life without them.
So how do we become more self aware:
- Keep a journal to write in your daily/weekly thoughts.
- Write down your goals, plans, and future self you want to be.
- Visualize your future self in the morning, and how you want to present yourself to the world.
- Self reflect in the evenings on how your day went, what was good, bad, and how you can improve.
When we are self aware we can then see where our thoughts, and emotions are guiding us, thus allowing us to take control of our actions towards a healthier lifestyle.
3. Assuming All Fats Are The Same
Not all FATS are created equal.
There are however 9 calories in every 4 grams of FAT, regardless of what type of fat it is.
There are 4 different types of FATS:
- Saturated Fats
- Trans Fats
- Monounsaturated Fats – Avocados, olive oils, nuts, peanut oils, safflower, etc.
- Polyunsaturated Fats – salmon, sardines, flaxseeds, sesame, soybean, corn oils, etc.
Saturated and Trans Fats are the harmful fats that tend to be more solid at room temp. They can cause heart disease, raise bad cholesterol in your blood, and can cause stroke when consuming high levels.
Replacing those Sat., and Trans fats with healthier ones like Mono, and Poly Fats are essential. These healthy fats can actually lower bad cholesterol, and be used for energy throughout the day.
Healthy fats are essential for optimizing your body, lowers LDL cholesterol, helps aid in absorbing vitamins/minerlas, repairs cell membranes, lubicates nerves, muscle tissues, and reduces inflammation.
Depending on your goals, nutrition plan, and body type. People tend to consume anywhere from 30-50% of their daily intake from fats. If you’re uncertain on where to start, ask your healthcare professional.
4. No Portion Control
Just because you’re eating healthy, doesn’t mean you can eat as much as you want, i.e overeat.
I’ve seen this time, and time again with my past clients. They start eating healthy, and all of a sudden the thought of calories in each health food doesn’t exist.
People think ” well it’s healthy, so I can eat more of it.”
Healthy foods have calories too. They may not be bad or processed calories, but they still have calories, and they do still add up at the end of the day.
A general rule of thumb, or a good place to start when portioning food properly:
- Protein – Size of hand
- Carb – Size of inside palm of hand
- Fats – Thumb Size or slightly more
- Fibrous Foods (Veggies) – Two Fist Sizes
Again the above portion size can change depending on goals, body type, etc. Overall it’s a great place to start if you’re unsure.
There are smart strategies on how to suppress hunger, and curb cravings if you’re having a hard time.
5. Too Many ”Cheat Meals”
I am sure many of you have heard of this famous term, the ”Cheat Meal” right?
People have stuck to their nutrition plan, they worked out, or had a hard week.. So they think they deserve a cheat meal, and they go balls to the walls. They consume an over abundance of unhealthy food, which always leads to regret soon after.
Did you know that when you eat clean, your body actually can begin to function properly, flushes out toxins from your body, and elevates gut health.
As a result, every time you consume your ”cheat meal” you’re sabotaging your system, constantly setting yourself back, and having to start the process all over.
It’s like a toxic relationship you keep running back too, getting your fix, feeling regret, and then having to start setting healthy boundaries up all over again for yourself. It’s a viscous unhealthy cycle that I don’t recommend getting into.
Now I am not saying you cannot enjoying those unhealthy yummy options, you totally can! You just don’t need to do it all of the time. Once or maybe twice a week is fine.
A helpful tip when having your ”cheat meal”:
- Don’t cheat on every meal through the day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) stick to one.
- When choosing which option, also only choose one course to cheat on, whether that be the appetizer, main course, dessert, or a few cocktails.
- Only do this 1-2x wkly if needed.
- Be honest with yourself, do you really need a ”cheat meal”?
Now It’s Time For You To Lose Weight The Right Way!
P.S If you found this article helpful or can help another woman in any way please share, and comment below what you loved most!
I love to hear from you!

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