How to start eating clean for beginners.
These are the top 3 questions i’m asked often from those wanting to begin their journey to a healthier lifestyle.
With that said, let me first say that clean eating is a LIFESTYLE, NOT A DIET. It’s a habit you’re creating. Incorporating whole foods to your body daily, so you will begin to fuel yourself in the right way.
When we feed our bodies the proper nutrients from whole foods, our bodies can begin to function properly. The benefits to clean eating are endless, here are just a few benefits they offer:
- Elevates Mood
- Improves Mental + Emotional State
- Increases Mental + Physical Stamina
- Improves Digestion + Gut Health
- Reduces Bloat
- Reduces Inflammation In The Body
- Slows Down Aging Process
- Weight Loss
I believe Food Is Medicine. Fueling the body with the proper nutrients is essential to truly live a healthy life.
This healthy habit was instilled in me at a young age through my journey in having cystic fibrosis. Cystic Fibrosis is a hereditary disorder affecting the exocrine glands. Leading to issues with the lungs, and pancreas if not treated properly. So clean eating has been a huge part of my life.
I began to realize in my research, and through my education how beneficial eating less processed, and more whole foods can be.
My goal is to hope you find how clean eating can benefit you, and your lifestyle as well. Which is simply why I created this post on How To Start Eating Clean For Beginners.
“Food can either fuel you, or slow you down. You choose.”
1. Write Down Why You’re Eating Healthy
This may sound silly, I know. But trust me this makes a huge difference, and can help you to stay on track when you have a weak moment.
When you have this written out, you can easily view it when you have crazy cravings. The last thing you want to do when starting on your journey, and instilling new healthy habits is to sabotage yourself by letting go of the very reason you started. (out of sight, out of mind)
Write down why you want to begin eating clean. Is it to improve digestion, lose weight, increase mood, and overall feeling? When you’re done writing out why eating healthier will benefit you, put it somewhere that you can easily view. I recommend putting it on your fridge, or taping it to a shelf in the pantry, or leave it placed in a kitchen drawer.
When starting out in this journey I want you to stay motivated, and allow clean eating to thus become a daily habit. Remember this is a lifestyle, not a quick fix diet.
I want you to sustain living a healthier body, mind, and soul. Eating clean will allow you to do so.
2. Clean Out The Kitchen

“If you don’t want to slip, and fall, then don’t go where it’s slippery.”
When beginning any new habit you will have your moments where you want to fall back into your old habits, because its easy, and familiar. DON’T ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN!
So how do we prevent this from happening? We keep the house clear of your triggers. Triggers = Unhealthy Food.
Toss out those unhealthy treats, processed foods, and crappy condiments. You don’t need to EAT THEM, if you feel bad tossing them out, then I suggest giving the food away to someone else who does not live in the same house. Let those foods go ASAP!
Getting rid of all those trigger foods will ensure you stay on track in beginning to eat clean.
3. Keep ”Bad Food” Out Of The House

Just as important as it is to clean out the kitchen, it’s just as important NOT to bring in unhealthy or trigger foods back into your house.
Seriously, just keep those unhealthy foods out!
I’m not saying to never have unhealthy foods again. Thats not realistic, but what I am saying, and an amazing tip I live by… when you do want to indulge in something unhealthy to enjoy it while you’re out and about.
Get that single ice cream cone, or slice of pizza, or cupcake while you’re out, and about. Have it, enjoy it, and feel satisfied.
But there is no need to get a full box of crap, and bring it into the house. This is setting yourself up for disaster, because you will over indulge, and sabotage your goals.
4. Build Self Awareness (Important)
Building self awareness is essential to succeed in anything in life, especially when we are creating new habits in our lives.
Self awareness will help you to stay away from emotional eating, snacking unconsciously, over eating, etc.
When you’re aware of what you’re doing, and how you’re feeling, you can conquer almost anything my friend. You will have better self control, and discipline.
We create self awareness by becoming present in the moment as much as possible throughout the day. In the morning review your healthy goals, this will set intention for the day ahead. In the evening reflect on your day, the foods you consumed, and how they made you feel.
Doing this daily will help you stay aware, and stay on track.
5. Set Intention When Grocery Shopping
What the heck does this mean?
Well my friends, the grocery stores are strategic with how they place things around the store. They know how to place certain food items in front of your face without you even realizing it.
Have you ever noticed that the side you enter the store is typically the side that they’re baking fresh bread, cookies, and cakes.. mmmhhhhhhmmmm.. (sneaky bastards, lol)
As you’re waiting in line to check out you’re surrounded by candy bars, chips, and cookies. Marketers find all the ways to suck you in.
So how do we set intention? Prior to going to the store, write a list of the items you need, this also gives you a vision on how you want to navigate through the store.
Get in, and get out before you get sucked in to buying items you don’t need!
6. Read Labels

Labels can easily be misleading. False advertisement is a big issue, and the FDA can only approve so much, along with testing the accuracy of each takes allot of time and money.
Labels can read:
- Fat Free
- Gluten Free
- Vegan
- No Trans Fat
- Low Calorie
- Zero Sugar
Does not make it a healthy food option! This leads me to the question, how do we solve this issue?
In short, in taking time to actually reading the ingredients, not just the labels on the front.
Companies know how to market their brand, or they have a wizard team working for them that does. So, it’s no accident that brands lure you in with pretty colors, eye catching labels, and other techniques. It’s their job to get you to buy, regardless if they’re on the cusp of false advertising.
The truth is in the ingredients, not the label. Therefore, PLEASE READ THE INGREDIENTS no matter what! Especially if you’re starting out in your weight-loss journey.
If you need extra help, hire a professional to guide you through the process.
Get A Custom Meal Plan
Make your life easier with the right nutrition plan.
7. Find Substitutes
This day in age you can find a susbstution for almost any unhealthy food item. So there is literally no reason why you should be eating terrible..
Why do we want to find substitutions?
- So you do not feel deprived.
- To satisfy your unhealthy desires
- Enjoy without all the crappy calories
- Cleaner ingredients
- Better for gut health
- Guilt free
- Don’t sabotage your nutrition goals
Most grocery stores now offer healthy replacements for any food item. Whether it be a substitute for cheese, pasta, bread, ice cream, cookies, and even cereals.
Moreover, realize how lucky we are to have access to such innovative food resources at our hands. Take advantage of the fact that there are so many healthier substitute options for unhealthy food.
8. Control What You Eat By Cooking
The only way to truly control what goes in your body, is to cook your own food. This allows you to control how the food is prepared, and the portion size.
Many times it’s not the food choice that’s unhealthy, but the way it is prepared that ruins it. Many restaurants, or frozen foods companies focus on the taste, they don’t care about the condiments they use to make it that way.
One meal at most restaurants contain a days worth of sodium, fats, and sometimes even calorie intake. (it’s crazy I know!)
When we begin to prepare, and cook our own meals, we can control the serving size, and the oils, butter, and seasonings the foods are cooked in.
This tip is essential to creating a clean eating lifestyle. Be sure to keep it simple. Look up easy recipes to ensure you enjoy the process, and make it a fun habit.
9. Cut Out Some Condiments
Yes, yes, yes..
Not all condiments are created equal. And again this is where people tend to ruin their healthy meals. (don’t be that person)
Many people when starting to eat healthy, choose clean food items, but then add tons of ranch, bbq sauce, butter, and extra salt for taste. (this will sabotage your health goals!)
Trust me healthy foods taste good with little seasoning, you just need to allow your taste buds time to adjust. After awhile, you will think all those added condiments taste gross, or at least use less of them.
Some of my favorite condiments:
- Olive Oil
- Avocado Oil
- Ghee
- Himalayan Salt
- Pepper
- Onion Powder
- Garlic Powder
- Mrs. Dash (my favorite no sodium seasoning!)
- Cayenne
- Cinnamon
- Stevia
- Apple Cider Vinegar (great for dressings)
- Annies Ketchup
- Primal Kitchen Ranch
- 365 BQQ
10. Bounce Back On Track ASAP
Last but not least, if you do have a day when you indulge on something unhealthy.. that’s ok (every now and then..)
Enjoy it, forgive yourself, and bounce back on track as soon as possible. Especially when starting out, you want to keep your positive momentum going.
Creating a healthier lifestyle, and instilling new habits takes consistency. So in the beginning I highly recommend staying on track as much as possible until you’ve built some discipline.
Nonetheless enjoy life, stay healthy, forgive yourself, and bounce back ASAP!

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