How having Cystic Fibrosis has changed my life for the better.
I’ve always been one to look at the glass half full. Living life with optimism, because I believe your body will follow what your mind believes to be true.
It took me awhile to allow myself to open up to others about having C.F.
It’s a vulnerable topic after all. It’s also something that I never wanted to identify myself as.
I know that may sound silly, but living my life as normal as possible without being categorized as just a C.F. patient was important to me. There is nothing wrong with having it! I just found it hard to share too much about it prior, in thought of being identified for it.
However, I also know in life with every struggle that’s overcome, is a beautiful story to share that others may be able to relate to.
Which is why i’m sharing How Having Cystic Fibrosis Has Changed My Life For The Better.
What exactly is Cystic Fibrosis?
Cystic Fibrosis is an inherited genetic lung disease, it is not contagious, but can affect other organs of the body such as the pancreas.
The thick mucus created in the body, that is often times hard to filter out due to lack of chloride in the system, it’s what causes the issues with breathing, and digestion.
Which are the two main health problems with having Cystic Fibrosis.
What is interesting with Cystic fibrosis is that it is sometimes often hard to really tell from the outside that someone has C.F.
You can look healthy, and live a pretty normal life to the outside world. But little do others know what you’re battling inside your body.
A Quick Backstory From The Beginning…
I was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis at the age 2. Which happened to be the same time my younger brother was born, whom was first diagnosed with the disease when he was birthed.
The first 1.5 yrs of my life, the doctors assumed I had pneumonia. When they discovered my brother had C.F. they then decided to go back, and do the same testing on me.
My parents had no clue they each were carriers of the CFTR gene mutation until they had my brother, and then realized now both their children had Cystic Fibrosis. Which turned out to be a sudden shock to now have both kids with this disease.
Growing up my parents were very stringent toward my brother, and I when it came to our treatments for Cystic Fibrosis. Our treatments were early morning before school, and early evening right after school, along with weekends. Not a day would be missed.
Another part of our treatment plan consists of taking digestive enzymes daily with each meal consumed. To aid in absorbing the nutrients from food.
Our parents also had us in many after school activities, such as dance, track, and cheerleading for me. Football, and basketball for my brother. Engaging In physical activity was an important attribute to our lives that kept us healthy, and strong.
Over the years I’m sure you can understand how I naturally became intrigued about the body through fitness, nutrition, and much more. It became a sort of an obsession over the years.
It’s hard to know if my obsession with health, and fitness would have as much depth if I didn’t have cystic fibrosis. Overall I know having lived my life with Cystic Fibrosis has evolved me as a person in many ways.
Let’s now dive into those ways on how cystic fibrosis changed my life for the better.
1. Built Resilience
One of the best qualities that has been built through my journey with having CF has been the toughness it has instilled in me both mentally, and physically.
I truly feel that whatever i’m faced with in life that I can handle, and overcome it no matter what.
Having dealt with the adversity cystic fibrosis has brought upon my family, and I through the years, it’s as if anything can be conquered in life.
An unstoppable sense if you will.
2. Care Less About Outside Opinions
When you’re an avid cougher, daily pill popper, and have a hard time gaining weight, you start to build thick skin over the years, and begin to care less about what people think.
Everybody is going to have, and sometimes overly share their opinions of you.
What I’ve learned over the years is that other’s opinion of me does not matter, if I don’t let it. I have the power on whether I choose to care or not, and honestly I don’t care much at all.
Now of course i’m human, and sometimes we unconsciously find ourselves caring. But at this stage in my life, i’m rarely bothered by others opinions anymore. It just doesn’t phase me as much as when I was a teen.
I’ve learned that no matter what, people are going to stare if I cough too loud, judge that i’m too skinny, or wonder why i’m always taking pills.
So at this point I just smile, and continue living my life, and doing my best. I encourage you to do the same.
3. Self Awareness
Self awareness in general is a great characteristic to create. Throughout my childhood, and moreover as an adult, I’ve gained, and evolved my sense of self awareness.
When you have Cystic Fibrosis, or any chronic disease in that manner, being in tune with your body is essential.
When we are in tune with our bodies, we can better execute the day, and gage how to handle certain situations in our life.
Being able to know when my body needs rest, nutrition, or certain medications throughout the day can better enhance my health, and overall well-being.
I highly recommend for anyone to adapt the habit of self awareness, and learn how to better get in tune with their bodies, and mind.
4. Empathy
Having the ability to allow yourself to gain perspective from someone else’s point of view is another beautiful trait I’ve gained throughout my life.
For me, having to explain allot of things from my perspective with having cystic fibrosis has made me more empathetic towards others, and how they live, and view life.
It’s easier to gain that sense of empathy when you have gone through your own struggles in life, which in my case has been cystic fibrosis.
5. Healthy Obsession W/ Fitness
Keeping my body, and lung capacity strong is the mere reason I was so intrigued, and became obsessed with fitness in the first place.
I knew that I did not want cystic fibrosis holding me down, or making me weak. I told myself daily that I would always keep my body + lungs healthy, and strong so that I would live forever.
As I mentioned earlier, growing up I was always involved in activities that kept me healthy, and fit. Dance, track, cheerleading were my main health interests as child, and teen.
Through high school, and into college is when I really became truly obsessed with fitness, and the gym lifestyle.
When I graduated from a tech school majoring in health, and nutrition, I began personal training/coaching right away.
My lifestyle turned into my career. Which now I’m blessed to have evolved my passion into my brand, and online blog today.
6. Savviness Towards Nutrition
With having cystic fibrosis, the disease also happens to affect our pancreas as well. Meaning it is hard for the body to produce its own enzymes to be able to absorb nutrients from food.
Because of this, its is crucial to take enzymes with every meal. It is also crucial to keep the calories fairly high, and keep the food choices healthy. After all we want to absorb healthy nutrients, minerals, and natural enzymes from whole food sources.
Whole Foods also keep our digestion working properly. There is no reason to put so much stress on the body with having to breakdown processed crap that wont make us feel good anyway.
It’s easy to see why my savviness towards nutrition has evolved over the years.
7. Inspired To Inspire Other’s
Often times you’re going through life battling a disease that no one really sees you struggle with. Overall I’m not using that as an excuse, and i still conquer life with it, and that is what inspires me to share my story, and inspire others.
I know everyone has their own struggles they go through with their own health. Being able to share my experiences, and how I’ve overcome certain scenarios with other’s fills my soul.
We all look for inspiration, and need it sometimes to keep us moving forward. I can only hope I do that for someone.
P.S If you found this article helpful or can help another woman in any way please share, and comment below what you loved most!
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