6 Simple ways to cut sugar cravings in a week.
Firstly, everyone gets sugar cravings, some more than others, but you’re not alone. So, the question could also be how do we manage those cravings.
After all, not everyone wants to completely cut out sugar, rather limit their consumption of it.
However, the CDC has stated that “Americans are eating and drinking too many added sugars which can contribute to health problems such as weight gain, obesity, diabetes, etc.”
Overall, reducing the amount of sugar in a diet can help reduce the risk of these health conditions stated above, along with many more.
So, let’s dive in.
Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, and do not claim to be. If you feel there are other underlying concerns to your health and/or before starting any new changes in your diet please consult with your doctor. This post may also contain affiliate links, which is at not extra cost to you, and helps support my blog. Thank you.
What causes sugar cravings?
Although having some sort of craving every now and again can be normal. Which is often caused by simple things like the side effect of certain foods in your diet, or perhaps a bad habit you picked up, along with other simple things that can easily be changed with discipline.
On the other hand, some sugar cravings can be a result of nutrient deficiency, in which you may want to consult with a professional about to seek testing for accuracy.
In this article, we’ll be focusing on simple things you can do to help cut or limit those sugar cravings you’ve been having.
Remember, it may take a little time for your body to adjust to these new habits. But, with consistency it will become easier along the way.
6 Simple Ways To Cut Sugar Cravings
1. Increase Water Intake
Often times, the body can confuse hunger for thirst when dehydrated. This is because the hypothalamus kicks in a triggers thirst which overall can trigger hunger.
A lack of fluid intake can make it difficult for the to metabolize glycogen (stored glucose) for energy, so in turn our bodies crave to provide us with energy. Where instead we should actually be consuming more water.
2. Increase Protein Intake
protein is one of the best ways to stabilize blood sugar levels. In fact some protein rich meals can help slow down the absorption of sugar and prevent sugar spikes.
Here are a few protein source ideas to add into your meal:
- eggs
- salmon
- chicken
- lentils
- grass-fed beef
- beans
- nuts
- select dairy products
Overall, consuming protein rich foods can help reduce sugar craving.
3. Add In A Vitamin B-Complex
Vitamin B-complex helps to curb the craving of sugary foods. As this vitamin helps to metabolizes carbohydrates much more effectively. This process allows our bodies to optimally, and properly use them for sustained energy, and brain function.
In other words, the whole food sourced carbohydrates such as grains that we do consume will get metabolized properly, thus our craving for excess sugar is diminished.
4. Choose Real Fruit
Eating real fruit is a quick way to satisfy your sweet while providing fiber, mineral, and vitamins to nourish your body.
Doing so, will allow you to consume higher amounts of fruit as they are less calorie dense, as opposed to ultra processed high caloric foods such as cookies, candy bars, donuts, chips, etc.
5. Reduce Stress
Sugary foods help release serotonin, which is known to have mood boosting effects.
In stressful situations however, our bodies release a hormone called cortisol into the system leading to an increase in blood sugar levels.
Often times, when you’re feeling run down from stress, and needing to be refueled, and want to feel good we reach for those sugary snacks.
Therefore, it is essential that you learn how to better manage your stress, so that you don’t build an unhealthy habit of coping with your stress from overeating sugary foods. Which in turn could cause weight gain, and possibly create other health issues.
6. Get Optimal Sleep
Bad sleeping habits can cause sugar cravings as well. Your internal clock happens to play a significant role in managing hormones ghrelin, and leptin which help to promote or suppress appetite.
Moreover, sleep deprivation can severely wreak havoc to your body composition, and overall health.
In other words, make sure you prioritize your sleep.
In Conclusion
Remember to take it one day at a time. Implementing each tip in one at a time, so by the end of the week you’re closer to cutting most of the unnecessary sugar cravings. If you feel you want accountability, and guidance in nutrition and/or your fitness feel free to contact me HERE.

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