This post is about how to calm anxiety immediately.

Waking up and feeling the stress of life’s problems take over your mindset is frustrating as it can take over your whole day
That feeling of anxiety is mentally physically and emotionally draining. I’ve experienced this so bad that it created a panic attack, which then ceased health issues.
The body has a system called the autonomic nervous system which controls heart rate, respiratory, and other bodily functions. And this system has two branches called the sympathetic, and parasympathetic system.
The sympathetic nervous system stimulated the flight or fight response, whereas the parasympathetic system stimulated relaxation, slows heart rate.
This post is all about how to calm anxiety immediately.
” You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf “
How To Calm Anxiety Immediately
1. Box Breathing
Box breathing is a navy seal method. This breathing technique is used to help them keep calm in extreme scenarios.
In short, you would focus on a breathing pattern with a four count, four times. While envisioning creating a box during this breathing segment.
How you would perform this:
- Inhaling for 4 seconds
- Then holding breath for 4 seconds
- Exhaling for 4 seconds
- And again holding your breath for another 4 seconds.
Utilizing the method will help slow down heart rate, increase blood oxygen to the body, and overall calm your nerves,
In doing this you’re also taking your mind off the problem while envisioning your breath creating the shape of the box.
Try this technique out, and let me know what you think.
2. 3-3-3 Rule
I love this technique as this takes into account all of your senses. which allows you to take your focus elsewhere, and puts you in the present moment.
You simply say out loud, or to yourself 3 things you see, 3 things you hear, and lastly move 3 different body parts.
This rule allows you to truly be in the moment, and stops the mind from overthinking all the negative thoughts.
3. Nature Is Your Best Friend
This is by far my favorite technique, and ill often mix this with the breathing method and the 3-3-3 rule.
Research has shown that getting outside, and in nature specifically has the power to boost mood, improve immune system, increase serotonin, and truly relax the body, mind, and soul.
4. Watch Something Funny
If you didn’t know laughter instantly relaxes any tension in the body. Research has shown that people who laugh allot tend to live a healthier lifestyle, and they tend to less stress through-out their body.
Genuine laughter can decrease cortisol levels in the body. it does this by increasing oxygen stimulating circulation, and activating serotonin in the body.
5. Take Longer Showers
This is the most self soothing one in my opinion, and its so relaxing, as i picture the water literlaly washing away my stress down the drain.
Taking long hot or cols showers has shown to release your feel good hormones, decrease muscle tension, and overall calm the mind.
Showers also use many of your senses which helps take your mind off your negative thinking. By focusing on the sensation of the water hitting your body, and smell of the soap or shampoo, you will soon begin feeling more relaxed.
6. Quality Sleep
Sleep deprivation has shown to cause major health issues, weight gain, and increase anxiety up 30%.
Getting quality sleep is essential, and it is one of the most important things you can do for yourself.
A few key tips to help getting a good night rest:
- Avoid eating large meals right before bed, as this can spike cortisol, and give you more energy.
- Keep room, dark, cold, comfy
- Invest in good quality bedding ( mattress, pillows, sheets blankets) this can make a huge impact.
- Avoid Electronics an hour before your bedtime
- Have white noice
- Take natural supplement such as melatonin if needed
7. Fuel The Body Properly
When we’re stressed we often reach for the unhealthy food, and drink options, right.
We grab the candy, packaged snacks, fried food, and/or he alcoholic beverages. All of which offer no benefit to the body, you’re actually being counter productive by increasing inflammation, cortisol levels, and your anxiety.
By focusing on healthy nutritious whole food sources, you’re giving the body, and mind the opportunity to function optimally by reducing the bodies stress, enhancing mood, and optimizing digestion,
That Wraps Up How To Calm Anxiety Immediately
In conclusion, adding in some of these techniques can really makes a huge impact in helpiing you to calm your anxiety. As mentioned, if you find that after applying these methods that you may still need more help, please seek professional care. Doing so, can help get to the root cause of your stress, and give you a much more custom approach on your journey to relief.

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