Ready to burn that belly fat, feel good, and fit into those skinny jeans again?
Carrying unwanted weight around your midsection is never fun. We all want to walk around feeling confident, and healthy.
In order to do so, they’re a few strategic lifestyle habits to adapt that can help you to lose that unwanted fat, and give you more energy.
Do remember, that there is no overnight fix. Although these tips can help speed up the fat loss process, it will take consistency at the end of the day.
We want to create, and maintain this healthy lifestyle after all.
1.) Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting can easily be described as a TIME WINDOW in which you can consume food, and another time window in which you DO NOT EAT, or consume beverages that could interact with insulin levels in your body.
Example: Only drink water, unsweetened tea and/or unsweetened coffee during the fasting period. Plus the more hydrated you are the less hungry you will feel. Having no calorie coffee or tea could help get that extra energy if needed.
There is plenty of flexibility when it comes to practicing intermittent fasting, as to why I love, and recommend it.
The most common method to intermittent fasting which is typically done on a daily basis, is the 16:8 method.
16:8 Method: 16-hour window with NO calorie consumption, and only eating within a 8-hour window.
*The time frames can be adjusted to what works best for you. The goal is to just focus on the hours fasting accurately, and the hours eating accurately so you are able to reap the fat burning benefits)
Moreover, this method is simple, and sustainable.
Why 16 hours w/o food?
At 16 hours is typically where we see the fat burning process start to begin. At this point as the glucose in your body has depleted (low insulin levels) your body begins to burn fat for fuel. YAY!
Furthermore, when we fast we’re essentially allowing our digestive system to have a break, allowing our bodies to clean out, and have regular bowl movements. All in which also assist in any bloat to diminish.
A book that I found super helpful for learning easy ways to apply this method, and gain a good understanding is FAST. FEAST. REPEAT. A remarkable read for any beginner, or intermediate.
2. Workout Fasted
Doing cardio or workouts in a fasted state WILL MAXIMIZE FAT BURNING!
Studies have shown that you can burn up to 20% more body fat by exercising in the morning on a empty stomach.
Now, before you jump all in, and go crazy with this method, PLEASE BE MINDFUL if you’re new at this!
Start slow. Keep the intensity low, and work your way to a medium then higher intensity overtime.
Cardio EXAMPLE: Speed walking (LOW) at an incline, then jogging(MEDIUM) , and eventually Running(HIGH)
Workout EXAMPLE: Easy yoga flow (LOW) , Body weight exercises/abs (MED), then eventually Lifting weight (HIGH).
3. Compound Exercises
What the heck is this you ask?
It’s a multi-joint movement, utilizing multiple muscle groups at the same time.
Essentially these exercises are allowing more muscle groups to be involved in one exercise. In doing so, the heart rate will elevate quicker, you’re able to engage, and build more muscle, and as a result you will be burning more calories.
You can even take this a step further if advanced, and combine TWO EXERCISES IN ONE.
Moreover, if you’re limited on time this method is perfect. As you can burn more calories in a short duration of time.
4. Carb Cycling
You may have heard of the ATKINS DIET & KETO RIGHT. They’re the two most common low carb methods.
Low carb nutrition plans, can cause controversy. However, they do offer some benefit when executed properly.
I don’t believe sticking to a low carb plan consistently is healthy, nor is it sustainable. But, I do believe carb cycling to have a greater success for fat loss, and longterm attainability.
Carb cycling allows us to take advantage of carbohydrates when needed, and rid of them when we don’t need them. Since carbs are our many energy source, it is saavy then to increase carbs on our active days, and decrease carbs on our sedentary days.
In doing this carb cycling method, we’re assuring were utilizing the carbs not storing them.
When we consume carbohydrates, it elevates our blood sugar, in turn triggering the body to release insulin.
Insulin helps glucose enter the bodies cells, in which some is used for energy, some stored in the liver, muscles, and other cells convert it into FAT!
Most foods in general could raise insulin levels, but more often then not carbohydrates tend to have the most effect.
In conclusion, cycling in low carbohydrate intake days, can keep insulin levels lower, causing the body to burn stored fat for energy, leading to FAT LOSS!
5. Longer Duration of Sleep
This one comes to no surprise, but you’d be shocked to know how many people KNOW TO SLEEP MORE, yet still ignore the scientific info behind it!
The benefits of sleep are tremendous, and yet it is the easiest of the 5 TIPS given.
Did you know when you sleep more then 7-hours your body is able to:
- Reduces Inflammation in the body
- Boosts Immune system
- Repairs your muscle tissue
- Repairs Cells
- Balances your hormones (specifically cortisol levels which is in correlation with weight gain)
Through research I have found the BEST TIME WINDOW FOR SLEEP, to gain the OPTIMAL BENEFITS is between the hours of 10pm-2am.
Hormones at these hours are most in sync with Mother Nature.
So get more ZZzzzz Girlfriend!
That Wraps Up How To Burn Belly Fat Fast
P.S If you found this article helpful or can help another woman in any way please share, and comment below what you loved most!
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