They’re specific key benefits apple cider vinegar offers to lose weight. What better time than now to take full advantage of the weight loss benefits ACV has.
For nearly centuries apple cider vinegar has been used as a natural remedy to assist in elevating health, and through the years studies have shown the benefits ACV has on weight loss.
In this article we’ll discuss what ACV actually is, the weight loss benefits it offers, how to consume it, along with the pros & cons.
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What is apple cider vinegar?
Apple cider vinegar is made with a combination of apples, and yeast. Which ferments the sugars into alcohol. Secondly, bacteria is added to further ferment the alcohol turning it into acetic acid.
The acetic acid is what gives ACV it’s strong smell, and taste.
I’m sure you have heard of the “mother” which is a substance found in organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar.
The “mother” consists of strands of proteins, enzymes, and gut friendly bacteria, all of which create that murky appearance in ACV.
Studies have shown the “mother” is responsible for most of ACV health benefits. Therefore, it would benefit you when shopping for ACV to purchase the organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with the “mother”
What key benefits apple cider vinegar offer to lose weight?
- Reduces Fat Storage: Studies show that the acetic acid in ACV helps to prevent the storage of fat in belly and in liver. Thus, helping to manage weight.
- Increases Metabolism: As the body flushes out toxins, increases good gut health, and reduces fat storage, your body can thus function optimally helping to increase your metabolic rate.
- Suppressing Appetite: ACV also helps to suppress hunger, as it signals to the brain that the body feels full. Overall, causing you to consume less calories.
- Lowers Insulin Levels: Studies proven that ACV can lower, and help balance insulin levels in the body. When doing so this allows the body to obtain burning fat, and lowers sugar cravings.
- Improves Gut Health: The healthy bacteria, and probiotics in the mother help significantly aid in the improvement of gut health. Overall, helping digestion, and weight.
- Lowers Cholesterol: Studies shown in both diabetic, and normal rats, that when comsuming ACV saw a decrease in “LDL” bad cholesterol, and an increase in “HDL” good cholesterol. Which can benefit weight management for those obese, and or diabetic.
Furthermore, a human study was given to participants which showed a decrease in belly fat, and weight loss when consuming apple cider vinegar daily.
- Taking 1 Tbsn: weight loss of 2.6 pounds
- Taking 2 Tbsn: weight loss of 3.7 pounds
Although this is a minute amount, it does show to be helpful in slight weight loss, and weight management, along with plethora of other benefits to offer when taking ACV daily.
” Higher levels of insulin, prevents fat from being broken down for energy”
How to take ACV to lose weight?
Apple cider vinegar can be consumed in multiple ways. There is no one size fits all approach here, I suggest incorporating it the best way that suits your needs.
For instance, for those who cannot handle the taste, and smell. ACV is great to cook with, and/or to use in dressings, sauces, etc. Adding a tablespoon or two into a dish can be very beneficial as well, along with the flavor is much more subtle.
- Add to fish or chicken marinades, salad dressings.
- Salad dressing recipe: Lemon juice, 2 tablespoon ACV, honey, olive oil, salt, pepper, crushed red pepper flakes(optional), mix and toss with salad. It’s easy, healthy, and delicious!
Some people add a tablespoon to a glass of water. However, I find this to be harder to consume a full 8oz cup of water as the flavor lingers on longer. But, if you add honey, and lemon to the mix as well, it can very much help the taste making it easier to consume.
Another great way to take your daily dose of ACV, and the method I personally incorporate often. Is to simply mix 1-2 tablespoons with only 2oz of water, and shoot it back like a shot, followed by a dot of honey from my finger. It’s quick, and the slight chaser of honey after helps significantly.
Overall, find what method works best for you. Moreover, be sure when consuming apple cider vinegar that you’re always diluting the substance. As ACV may cause teeth enamel erosion, stomach, and or esophagus issues due to the acetic acid in ACV.
Who should not take ACV?
DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor, and do not claim to be. Always talk to your doctor if you’re uncertain if taking ACV is right for you, if you have health problems that could interfere, or if you take medication that may interact with ACV.
That wraps up the key benefits apple cider vinegar offers to lose weight!

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