5 ways to boost your immunity.
The immune system plays a vital role, as it protects our bodies from harmful substances, germs, and bacteria. It is made up of organs, proteins, and cells that assist in creating that barrier of protection.
With a weakened immune system, it is much easier for those harmful invaders to sneak into your body, and cause illness.
A few signs you have a weakened immune system:
- Having cold/flu symptoms
- Always tired
- Wounds are slow to heal
- Lots of tummy issues (stomach, digestion, etc)
- Frequent infections (upper respiratory infections, etc)
It is essential to keep your immune system high, as much as possible to ensure these problems don’t occur often.
Boosting your immunity is not a one size fits all ordeal. We have to remember it’s a system contributing of many moving parts. So what works for one person may not necessarily work for another.
Everyone leads a different lifestyle. Therefore, what one person may lack, another may already have balanced accordingly in their life.
Luckily, there are some strategic methods to assist in keeping your immune system up to par throughout the year that anyone can incorporate.
1. Exercise Regularly.
How many of us have find ourselves overly stressed at times? Well, in turn this releases a stress hormone in the body.
When undergoing stress for too long it causes our immune system to lower.
Everybody handles stress different. Some people may become insomniacs, while others may eat or drink more unhealthy. All of which can lower your immune system
The best way to combat all of that, and elevate your immunity is to exercise my friends!
When we incorporate exercising to our regimen, we gain a better nights rest, thus our body repairs itself when we can get sufficient amount of sleep. Better sleep, better system.
Exercising regularly, even just 20 min/day has proven to lower stress levels, stimulate your immune system, and boost circulation. Having good circulation makes it much easier for immune cells, and other infection fighting molecules to travel more efficiently throughout your body.
Furthermore, when we exercise our bodies maintain a healthier weight, and overall well-being, resulting in less health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.
Check out this great AT HOME WORKOUT
2. Hydrate ( +Lemons )
Our bodies, and cells need water to function properly, and repair itself properly.
Our bodies are made up of about 60% water. Allowing your body to become dehydrated slows down the function of your body, and impairs your immune system.
But how much water should you drink per day?
- Women: 9 cups (2 liters)
- Men: 13 cups 3 (liters)
A bonus to your water, would be to add in squeeze lemon. Lemons contain a high source of vitamin C, has folate, and pottossiam. All of which can help your immune system.
I personally add lemon, not only to my water, but my green tea as well.
3. Immune Boost Drink.
It’s not always easy to get in all the nutrients, and micronutrients we need on a daily basis, especially when were on the go.
Which makes making a smoothie or juice elixer at home so genius. It’s the easiest, most efficient way to get in a majority of your nutrients in a few sip, well gulps. (lol)
They’re a variety of different smoothie recipes, and elixers. So I’ll just give you my go-to for each.
Juice Elixer:
- Ginger (small piece)
- Tumeric (pinch)
- Black Pepper (pinch)
- Lemon (half)
- Honey (.5 – 1 Tbls)
- 1 Tbls ACV
- Water 80z
Smoothie Recipe:
- Spinach
- Frozen Berries
- Banana
- Scoop Vanilla Protein powder
- Scoop of a Greens Superfood
- Almond Milk and/or water
4. Herbal Teas.
It is no wonder why certain countries stick to the ayurveda herbal medicines. Herbal teas can have many health benefits including relaxation, pain reduction, improvement in immune system, and digestive support.
Herbal teas also feature antioxidants, mineral, and some vitamins. It’s truly an amazing natural remedy to improve your health.
There are a plethora of teas, derived from different plants, herbs, fruit, and spices that can help target certain health issues.
I have always been one to drink green tea on a daily basis, specifically because of it’s antioxidant benefits.
I’m also no stranger to the other ones on the market, and I’m always looking to reap the benefits of true organic herbal teas. Here’s a few listed below.
Ginger Tea: Helps Improve Digestive System, and nausea.
Chamomile or Peppermint Tea: Has calming, relaxation effect.
Tumeric Tea: Anti-inflammatory benefits, reduces pain.
Cayenne Tea: Help cough, sore throat, help rid of cold.
Dandelion Tea: Great for detox, diuretic.
Ginseng Tea: Supports reproduction of white blood cells.
5. Supplement Wisely.
Too often people resort to supplements as their first choice to boost immune, loosing weight, or basically helping to ”quick fix” anything, right?
However, this is clearly not the first resource or the only resource you should resort too.
I do believe that everyone does benefit from supplements, as everyones body may be lacking in certain areas where using a resource like a supplement would be very beneficial.
If you decide to add in supplements to help support your lifestyle, specifically your immune system, choose wisely. Here are a few staple ones to pick.
Now It’s Time To Get That Immune System Boosting!
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