How to start losing weight faster?
Losing weight over time is great, and all, but isn’t even better when you can lose weight faster, and see the results much sooner? Absolutely!
Many people actually lose momentum, and give up on their weight loss journey, because they simply don’t see any results quick enough.
You may find yourself frustrated, and asking yourself if this journey is even worth it, and why aren’t you losing weight faster?
I’m here to tell you it is possible to see some faster weight loss results in the beginning.
Overall, a healthy lifestyle is a longterm commitment, and the longer you stay consistent the better results you achieve, and maintain.
After all we want to maintain our healthy lifestyle.
Let’s dive in!
1. Start With A Quick Cleanse
Yes! A cleanse is so important to apply when wanting to start losing weight faster.
Let’s say you haven’t been eating that clean, and you’ve also been consuming alcohol, and other sugary drinks. Due to those habits your body hasn’t been able to function at it’s optimal levels, nor has your digestive system, liver, etc.
This is a huge problem for numerous reasons. You’re unable to absorb proper nutrients, your liver may have issues properly filtering, and your digestive system could be full of toxic waste.
If you start to pile in healthy food in your body without a cleanse, your body will have a hard time absorbing the nutrients, or gaining the true benefits of those health foods.
A detox day is an important part of starting your weight loss journey. It allows your system(liver, pancreas, digestion) to have a break, cleanse, and restore itself.
It’s basically refreshing your system, so it can work at optimal level.
However, once you begin eating healthy food, your body can properly absorb all the good nutrients, and you can actually reap the benefits.
How do you execute this cleanse process?
- Day one focus on drinking only water (lemon optional). No Food, or other drinks. Fully allow your system to cleanse, and have a much needed break.
- Take a full 24hr detox/cleanse. For Example: Stop eating at 5p.m, only drink water until the following day at 5p.m (it’s simple)
- Make sure you’re drinking lots of water throughout the day, this not only nourish’s the bodies organs, but helps to flush out your digestive system.
- During this 24hr cleanse, incorporate light activity such as a walk, light yoga flow at home, or a few ab exercises. This helps to move the bowls, allowing your system to detox faster, and rid itself of any backed up waste in your intestines.
2. Focus On Vegetables + Fruit
After you’ve taken a full day to cleanse, and reset your system a bit, when you do begin to eat, take the next day or two to focus on eating only vegetables, and fresh fruit.
This allows time to properly absorb, and nourish your body with all the nutrients from whole food plant based sources.
We want to get the body firing off on all cylinders at optimal level, and keep the digestive system from overloading on meat or complex carbs too fast.
Although protein, and complex carbs are essential, we want to ease back into those food sources. Often times the root cause of digestive issues stems from certain protein sources, and carbohydrates.
When we slowly add proteins, and complex carbs back in on the third day we can gage which food sources work better with our digestive system.
Schedule Example:
Day 1: Cleanse, Only drink water (lemon optional) All day. Ex: Start 5pm – until 5pm next day.
Day 2 : Only Consuming Vegetables + Some Fresh Fruits
- 11 a.m Fruit/Veggies Juice/Smoothie
- 1 p.m Vegetable Dish + Fruit
- 4 p.m Vegetable Dish + Fruit
- 7 p.m Vegetable Dish
Day 3: Continue High Veggie sources, slowly add in protein + complex carbohydrates.
Continue to consume healthy whole food sources on a regular basis, making vegetables, and protein primary sources, and cycling your carb intake.(explained next)
Ideas for Vegetable Meals: (Add + change up seasonings)
- Roasted Brussel Sprouts w/ Onions.
- Baked Broccoli + Cauliflower
- Broiled Zucchini + Squash
- Saute Zucchini Noodles
- Cucumber + Tomato Salad
- Salad + Roasted Peppers + Saute Veggies ( All Tossed together)
3. Carb Cycle
Carb cycling is an amazing method to incorporate to start losing weight faster.
Carbohydrates are the body’s primary source of fuel, and energy. It’s perfect for people who are super active, marathon athletes, sports, hiking, ect. However they can make for a bad source of fuel for those who live a more sedentary computer based lifestyle.
Overall, we do need them when we exercise, and/or have active days, and this is where carb cycling comes into play.
Ingesting more carbs on your active/workout days will ensure that we’re feeding the body proper macronutrients for fuel, yet we wont be storing them as fat, and gaining weight from them, because we will be utilizing those carbs that day.
Play around, and see what works best for you. I recommend starting around here, and adjusting as needed:
- Low Active Days – 50-100 grams Carbs/day
- Active/Workout Days –100-175 grams Carbs/day
4. Intermittent Fast
Intermittent fasting has proven in many studies to have great benefits for fat loss, and its one of the most popular techniques being used to lose weight by professionals.
I.F is also very easy to incorporate into your lifestyle. It’s basically a window of which don’t consume calories, and a window in which you do consume calories.
The most popular method used is the 16:8 method.
- Fasting 16 hrs 8pm-12pm
- Eating Between 12pm-8pm
I find this to be the most tangible, because we’re sleeping during most of the fast time frame anyways. Essentially you will just be skipping breakfast.
Doing Intermittent fasting will help to balance blood sugar level, a key factor in fat loss, as your body cannot burn fat at the same time insulin level is high/present in your system. Which insulin spikes when we consume most foods.
I.F also gives your digestion, and other organs a break, allowing time to reset, and clear out any waste.
5. Fasted Movement
Fasted movement or workouts are a great way to enhance, and speed up the fat burning process.
Although this technique is not for everyone, it is a method to consider trying if you can. If you’re new at this please be sure to ease in, and start slow.
Studies have shown that you can burn up to 20% more body fat by exercising in the morning on an empty stomach.
This method can be added in by simply going for a walk first thing in the morning, doing a light yoga flow, workout, or some ab exercises. Doing this upon awaking could have significant benefits in your weight loss journey.
6. Compound Exercises
What is compound exercising?
A multi joint movement that engages multiple muscles at the same time. For Example:
- Squats
- Lunges
- Deadlifts
- Pull Up
- Push Up
These are fundamental exercises that are essential for creating a strong lean body. Exercises such as these allow you to burn more calories, because we are working multiple muscle groups at once.
You can also pair these exercises in a circuit to increase the rate at which you burn calories, and really start losing weight faster.
7. Sleep
Lack of sleep has a bad reaction on our hormones, causing us to gain weight, decrease energy levels, and increase sugar cravings.
All of which will hinder your ability to lose weight. When we sleep we:
- Balance hormones
- Reduce inflammation in the body
- Boost immune system
- Repair cells
Research has shown that we receive the most benefit from sleep between the hours of 10pm-2am. This is because our hormones are most in-sync with Mother Nature at this time window.
In conclusion, you should get your beauty rest!
8. De-Stress
Stress causes our cortisol level (stress hormone) to elevate. When cortisol is running high in our system for too Long this hinders us from losing weight.
Our bodies cannot properly work to burn fat when this is present in our body. Most importantly we must find ways to keep your stress levels down.
Stress can also cause a plethora of other health issues such as headaches, heart problems, heartburn, weakened immune system, etc.
Things like getting out in nature, yoga, guided mediations, working out, painting, etc can aid in reducing stress. Find what works for you.
9. Establishing A New Self Identity
The body will follow what the minds believes.
Seeing yourself as a healthier person, will make it easier for you to take daily action, and stay consistent with your weight loss goals.
You must visually see yourself skinnier, stronger, and fit. Start living life as that your new self identity.
I promise you this will have much benefit in your success, and confidence.
10. Supplement
Supplements are just that, they are a resource that help support what you’re already doing.
It is not necessary, yet it can help to start losing weight faster. As a result, utilizing certain supplements can aid in your gut health, digestion, and weight loss journey.
My favorite go to’s are:
P.S If you found this article helpful or can help another woman in any way please share, and comment below what you loved most!
I love to hear from you!

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