Is your schedule making it hard for you to start or sustain your healthy habits? With family, travel, and work, it can be a challenge to create or stay on top of all our healthy habits.
I’m here to help you obtain, and add healthy habits into your busy schedule with ease.
Adding in healthy habits are a sure way to feel good, and optimize your life, but how do we do it?
It’s easy to say we want to live a healthier lifestyle, workout everyday, and eat clean all the time, but it’s another thing to actually take action to do it all, and create these healthy habits into your daily routine.
The tips I have listed below are a sure way to help guide you into how to add healthy habits into your busy schedule, and sustain these habits longterm.
So let’s dive in.
1. Imagine Your Future Self.

The first step is to ask yourself where you are right now.
- How do I feel?
- What habits are my currently doing that’s making me feel this way?
- On a scale of 0-10 (0=poor 10=excellent) how is my health? (energy level, eating habits, exercise regimen)
Now visualize where you want to be in comparison.
- What habits would you have to instill to feel 10 out of 10?
- How would that new version of you feel? (improved energy, better mood, stronger, self confident, better digestion, etc.)
Envision your future self, take time to feel exactly how the healthier, and happier version of you would feel if you instilled these habits you’ve been wanting to add into your routine.
Now envision yourself performing those habits, whether that be working out, taking a yoga class, swimming laps, eating a delicious salad , meditating in the a.m, running, etc. Envision the habits that fit your needs.
The body will follow what the mind believes, and feels. Studies have proven that just by simply adding the tool of future self visualization, it can improve your success rate 80% towards your desires.
If you want to add in healthy habits into your daily routine, you must first envision the outcome of what you want.
I guarantee you this will work.
2. Start Small.
So many people fail at sustaining healthy habits, because they choose to add in, and change multiple things at once.
For instance, deciding to wake up earlier, eat organic, workout everyday, cut out sugar, meditate before bed, stop smoking, and drink less.
You can easily see how this can get overwhelming, and it is hard to obtain long term.
When you try conquering too many things at once, you lose focus.
Try to focus on one healthy habit at a time. Once that becomes a part of your routine then you can focus on the next one.
3. Do It Everyday.
Repetition breeds habit. When repeated frequently enough becomes an automatic reflex.
If you want to instill anything permanent in your life, you must do it everyday. One day it will become a mere unconscious act.
Doing this can work for you or against you, so be sure you are instilling positive habits everyday that are sure to get you heading towards your goals not away from them.
4. Make It Easy On Yourself.
You’re not going to want to change if it’s too inconvenient. Make sure you make it easy on yourself by setting yourself up for success.
More often than not I see women say they want to eat healthier, yet they keep cookies, snacks and frozen pizza in the kitchen. (insert hand to forehead emoji)
If eating healthier for example is a new habit, then be sure to clean out, and keep out the unhealthy food in your house. Another example could be if you plan to go to the gym after work, then have your gym bag packed, and already in the car.
Setting yourself up for success is a great way to make it convenient, allowing adding in a new habits much easier.
5. Environment.
Lastly, and a very important factor to creating healthy habits is setting the right environment, and this includes the people in it.
Creating healthy habits with your spouse, children, roommate, and/or friends can have a huge impact on your success. This will also deepen your relationships, and create a positive environment for everyone.
Having positive like minded souls around you engaging in similar habits will keep you on track, and make it sustainable.
I Believe In You
P.S If you found this article helpful or can help another woman in any way please share, and comment below what you loved most!
I love to hear from you!

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