How to find motivation to workout?
Are you lacking motivation to workout this season? Finding it super difficult to find the energy to get up, and go?
You are not alone sister, many people find it difficult to motivate themselves. With so much to do during the season, it can be hard to create the energy to make it to the gym, or yoga studio after a long day.
It can be easy to find excuses as to why you can’t make it to your workout when you’ve lost motivation.
In most cases we just need to remember why we started working out in the first place, and how working out makes us feel, along with other tips that will fuel the urge to get your motivation back on track.
So let’s dive in.
1. Find Quiet Space To Journal
Yes, you will need a few minutes by yourself, away from your family, and friends where there is no distraction.
Find a quiet space where you can spend just 10-20min journal in a guided journal. Trust me this works wonders!
Journaling will help to reignite your passions, and your goals that will in turn create a fire of desire to get yourself back in motion. They’re are so many guided journals out there now, and I will link 2 of my favorite one’s below.
During this time of year we get so distracted, and caught up with are everyday tasks, Christmas shopping, family get togethers, travel, and more.
Taking 10-20 minutes of selfish alone time to journal, clear your thoughts, and reeneygize ourselves is a must!
This is the #1 tip for getting your motivation back.
2. Cut Off The Negative.
Negative people, negative news, sad or angry music, etc. All have a huge effect on how we feel, and the energy we carry. It can drain you physically, and mentally.
Indeed this can be hard for some people to do, but cutting out the negative people, or lessening your time with negative family members, or friends will really help to enhance your mental energy.
We all have that negative family member or friend that can just drain the life out of you, and in my experience I have found that distancing myself from those people has increased my energy levels, and enhanced my mental state. It may be time for you to do the same with someone.
There’s also too much negativity on the news, so I recommend just shutting it off, and diving into something more productive that will help to enhance your life. Remember when we feel good, we create more energy to execute things during the day like working out, or joining in on a yoga class. Cut off people or things that drain your energy, so you can create space to enhance your energy.
3. Get Around Like Minded Souls.
Finding, and getting together with like mined souls can enhance your spirit, energy, and they will help to motivate you towards your healthy lifestyle goals.
Having friends around me, and finding a tribe of like mined women and men has reignited my excitement, and encouraged me to take my goals to the next level.
It feels amazing to bounce ideas, or share goals with others who understand, and enjoy similar things you do. It creates a bond, increases serotonin , and enhances your energy levels.
Nothing brings more cheer, and joy to the season like having like minded souls in your life.
4. Get Inspired.
It’s easy to lose motivation when you’re uninspired.
I find it super helpful to watch biographies of the successful, or watch YouTube videos of those who are accomplished in what you’re after. It also helps to read self improvement books in the area of interest, or look at motivational quotes.
These simple tasks can inspire you in minutes to get up, and go after what you want to achieve.
Watching other’s achieve what you want will ignite the fire within you, and the belief that you can achieve it too.
5. Forgive, Forget, & Get Back On Track.
Don’t get mad at yourself, and lose sleep over eating too much over the holiday weekend. Having to miss a few workouts here, and there is normal.
As as result, Stressing over all of that during the holidays will only raise your cortisol levels, causing you to potentially gain more weight.
Instead, create a plan of balance, and an understanding that holiday schedules can get hectic. It’s ok to enjoy a piece of pie, and miss a workout to spend time with grandma.
Forgive yourself, and just be sure to get back on track as soon as you can so you don’t completely lose moment of your healthy lifestyle habits.
You Got This!
P.S If you found this article helpful or can help another woman in any way please share, and comment below what you loved most!
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