Out with the old, and in with the new with these 10 ways to level up in 2021.
Are feeling ready to refresh, and take yourself to the next level this year? I know I am, and I bet you are too..
2020 has been a different experience for everyone, but one thing is for sure, we’re all stronger mentally because of it.
Everyone has been met with different challenges, and success’s over the past year, and now that the year is coming to an end it’s time to shine light on how you can create an even better version of yourself.
Ready to level up? Here are the 10 Ways to Level Up Now
1. Schedule Out Your Life
The one thing all successful people have in common is a schedule, a mapped out agenda if you will for their day, their week, the month, and for the year.
Having a schedule not only puts you in control of your own life, but it makes you feel good knowing you have that control.
Those who succeed have a mapped out plan to execute it. In order to achieve the goals we want in life we must understand that it’s not going to happen over night, or out of thin air.
You must have a schedule of set time frames where you plan to take certain action towards your achievements.
“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”
2. Stop Caring What People Think
This is an amazing trait to inherit. It takes time to adhere to, but once you truly begin to give zero F’s of other’s opinion, your life will change for the better.
So often people, especially women hold back from saying or doing certain things in life in fear of what others may think. This can hold so many people back from their true essence of whom they are, and creates an internal battle with self, because you’re not being authentic.
When I learned how to stop caring what others think, I saw myself begin to shine, and I began moving towards what I wanted in life, and the things I wanted started moving towards me to.
A weight is lifted when you no longer care about the opinions of others. it’s a freeing experience to live life at your best and not feel sorry or worried about it.
How do you learn how to care less?
3. Cut Out Negative People
When you’re wanting to level up your life, you want to surround yourself with benefiting positive energy, and healthy habits.
The last thing you want when elevating yourself, and your life is to have negative, unsupportive friends, or family members trying to hold you back or bring you down.
You want to rise up, and sometimes this means evaluating those unhealthy relationships in your life.
You may find you need to move on without some people in your life, or spend less time with those people whom are not positive influences.
I’ve personally done this myself, and it has made a huge impact in my life for the better.
4. Eat Whole Foods
The ultimate way to level up, and glow up is to nourish your body, mind, and skin with eating whole nutritious foods.
Foods that will enhance your digestive system, and boost your energy. Foods that will make your skin glow radiantly, and nourish the mind, and your bodies cells.
Haven’t you noticed that when you eat greasy, processed, or foods high in sugar, you than feel lethargic, sluggish, foggy minded, and your skin tends to break out?
Ugh, it’s no fun dealing with the after math of what unhealthy food does to the body in multiple ways.
Nutrient dense Whole Foods have a plethora of benefits for improving your overall health, and appearance.
When our body, and mind is working at optimal level, because of the nourishment we’re feeding it, we feel unstoppable, and confident.
5. Sweat Sexy
I had to follow up eating Whole Foods with getting in a good sweat session.
Daily movement like working out, yoga, dance, running, biking, etc. is essential for leveling up yourself.
If you want to feel lean, strong, release tension, optimize your mind, and truly feel at best, then get moving sister.
When we sweat, we allow oxygenated blood to circulate throughout our body helping to boost, build, and renew the muscles, organs, skin, etc.
You’ll never hear of someone who regretted a workout.
6. Read Self Improvement
If we’re not growing (learning), we’re dying inside, and life can become stagnant, and stale.
“Always be a student” I’ve heard this statement from multiple mentors I follow. I live by this statement, and you should too.
There is always something to learn, and there is so much access to knowledge that you can gain through reading biographies, or self improvement books.
Find your interests, and begin going deeper on those topics. Trust me, one topic will lead to another, and another, and so on.
Read up buttercup!
7. Keep Clean Space
Clean space, clear mind.
Clutter creates chaos whether you realize it or not. When things are out of sorts it makes organizing, planning, and focusing more difficult.
Don’t you feel so good ,and gain a sense of peace when you walk into your home when its clean. Your mind is clear, you know where everything is, and you feel accomplished.
Never underestimate the power of a clean space.
8. Refresh Your Wardrobe
There is nothing more exciting than refreshing up your wardrobe. A good spring cleaning can liven up your vibe, and help you to level up.
This will really help you to immerse yourself into the woman you want to become.
Let go, and get rid of those clothing pieces that don’t serve your new personality anymore.
It’s time to get rid of that neon top, and those worn out bell bottoms, and level up your style with some higher quality pieces.
The way we look, is the way we feel. So if you want to feel like a high quality boss babe, than you need to start dressing like one.
9. Smile More Often
A smile, and a kind heart can get you very far in life.
You want to elevate yourself to the next level, and get what you want, than choosing to be kind, and share a smile will help you immensely.
Remember that saying “you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar.” Indeed it is true my friend.
Ask yourself this, would you want to help out, or purchase from someone who is impolite or acts rude? Exactly.
You want more out of life, you have to give more smiles.
10. Ultimate Self Care
Ultimate self care means, going that extra mile for yourself. Caring for your skin with facials, body scrubs, massages, and nourishing the skin with organic oils, and body butters/lotions.
Taking time to have your nails done the way you like, and getting a pedicure w/ a nice foot massage.
Going to the salon more often to get a blowout, haircut, or color.
Overall treating yourself with 5 star service like the goddess you are. This will allow you to feel your absolute best.
P.S If you found this article helpful or can help another woman in any way please share, and comment below what you loved most!
I love to hear from you!

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