Lazy girl hacks to lose weight.
Have you ever had those days you just want to be lazy? You may need a mini break from those strategic workouts, or perhaps you’re feeling unmotivated, and utilizing these lazy girl hacks will kickstart your weight loss journey again.
You’re not alone on this one sister. We’ve all experienced those days we just don’t feel like doing much physical activity, yet we still want to stay on top of our health goals.
Having helpful hacks to maintain or lose weight can help us all to stay on track even during those lazy days.
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Hack #1 Give Your Digestive System A Mini Break.
Studies have shown that by simply giving your digestive system a break, you’re allowing it time to flush out toxins that may be backed up, help stabilize blood sugar levels, and allow the body to naturally detox.
Therefore the body can restart aiding in your system functioning at optimal level. After all, who doesn’t want a natural detox to lose weight that will help to optimize your body in all the ways.
This method can also be termed as Intermittent Fasting, which you may have heard of. Intermittent Fasting is basically a time window of which you eat, and a time window of which you fast (detox/no calorie consumption)
The most popular known method for I.F. is the 16:8.
- Eating in an 8hr window ( often done 12p-8p )
- Fasting in an 16hr window (often done during sleep, and through the morning/mid afternoon. Ex: 8p – 12p)
Similarly, I.F. allows the digestive system to have a break. Allowing your body to work through the previous absorbed resources, naturally rid itself from toxins, de-bloat, balance blood sugar levels, and recharge.
Iv’e been using this method for years, and have enhanced my digestion, fat burning, and energy.
Hack #2 Incorporate Natural Thermogenic Drinks.
Thermogenic simply means producing heat. Heat production in the body aids in the burning of calories.
By incorporating natural thermogenic drinks, it may help to produce heat and thus help to burn calories. Many people turn to these drinks as means to not only burn calories, but also increase their energy levels.
However, there are many supplemental forms of thermogenic drinks on the market, but they often get overused, and or could cause more harm than good to the body if not used properly.
To clarify this is why I like to stick with natural remedies that reap the similar benefits, and as to why I share only natural drinks that will help to accomplish this goal.
I love incorporating one of these drinks first thing in the morning to really kickstart my metabolism, fat burning, and overall increase energy.
Drinks that I recommend that are safe & natural for this process:
- Coffee – 95/200mg caffeine, organic coffee offer antioxidants
- Matcha Green Tea – 30/130mg caffeine, high source antioxidants EGCG(more than regular green tea)
- Black Tea – 20/70mg caffeine, polyphenols + catechins
- Green Tea – 30/50mg caffeine, powerful antioxidants ECGC
- Ginger Tea – caffeine free, natural stimulant, boosts digestive, natural heat producing.
You will notice many of these thermogenic drinks contain caffeine which helps to aid in the heat production process. All of these drinks not only help to burn calories, but they also aid in helping clean out your digestive system.
In any case you’re caffeine sensitive I would not recommend high caffeinated drinks, so please use with caution. (ginger tea is your best choice for non-caffeine drinkers)
Hack #3 Eat Nutrient Dense Volumetric Foods First.
Eating nutrient dense, low calorie, volumetric foods help to expand our stomachs. As a result it allows us to feel full, and satiated without overindulging.
When our stomach expands it releases a hormone called leptin which tells our body we’re full.
Now of course we don’t always want to eat these foods for every single meal, but adding these foods in as frequently throughout each day can have a huge impact on your weight, and overall wellbeing.
You easily achieve this by having a salad, and or lots of veggies before or during your meals.
These nutrient dense volumetric foods will make you feel full, and will help you to consume less unwanted calories.
Hack #4 Drink More Water.
Similar to Volumetric food, water also expands the stomach helping the body to release leptin which tells our bodies we’re full.
Drinking plenty of water optimizes the body to function better, increases metabolism, and improves digestion. In turn water can, and will allow you to lose weight naturally and easily.
The benefits to drinking lots of water is nearly endless which overall results in amazing weight loss.
Hack #5 Eat Slowly.
Often over looked, but eat food too quickly, because we wait too long to eat and were hungry, and or the food tastes so good.
However when we consume food too fast we dont give the body time to register that we have just eaten. Thus we end up eating too much and consuming more calories than needed.
A simple hack you can incorporate is to eat slowly, and chew your food longer, thus allowing your body to feel satiated.
Overall enjoy each bite slowly. Bon appetit.
Hack #6 Eat Raw Ginger
Ginger is the root of all your problems being solved. Well, sort of.
Why do I say this? The benefits that raw ginger offers to the body nearly endless. Ginger contains gingerols and shogaols. These two compounds stimulate several biological activities in your body.
For instance, ginger stimulates digestion (speeding up the process of which you digest food, and through colon). Ginger also decreases inflammation in your body (inflammation inhibits the body to function properly), and help to suppress appetite.
Ginger can be consumed in a few forms:
- Raw Ginger – add in fresh blended juices, or smoothies, steep in hot water.
- Powder/Capsule – taken in capsule form as per recommended on the label.
- Ginger tea – add in squeeze of lemon + honey
Hack #7 Out of Sight, Out of Mind
This is so simple, yet so impactful.
When those indulgent unhealthy snacks or food items are staring at you in the kitchen, and easy to access, your will power is most likely to go out the door.
Keeping unhealthy food items at home, will sabotage your weight loss goals.
Far too often people think they can keep certain foods lingering around the house with the will power to say no, but when that craving strikes, you indulge, and set yourself back to square one.
I suggest not bringing those trigger foods inside the home, and only indulging on those foods every now and then when you’re at a friends house, eating out, or at a party.
Instead fill your pantry/fridge up with healthy substitutions. This day in age you can find a healthier version anything.
Remember out of sight, out of mind.
Hack #8 Stretch & Meditate
Stress, and overall tension on the body can wreak havoc on your body.
When we learn to release stress, and tension in our muscles through stretches, and mediation we can lower cortisol(stress hormone) levels that aid in weight gain.
Stretching also helps to relieve tight, and sore muscles allowing for better flexibility, thus increasing blood flow/circulation, and flushing out toxins in the body. This in itself will help you to lose weight.
Meditation releases serotonin, reduces stress, and allows us to set intention with our goals, and creates awareness on how we’re treating our body, and how we want to treat our body properly.
The combination of these two can overall enhance your digestion, energy, mood, lower cortisol levels(stress hormone = weight gain), increase blood flow, and have a positive impact on your weight loss.
Hack #9 Keep it Simple & Easy
I say this often, but it’s true! Simplicity equals consistency.
Eating simple to make healthy meals is so essential, and will take the stress out of healthy eating away.
Create dishes that have little ingredients. I often tell clients choose a protein, healthy carb source, veggies. (cook with olive oil to get in your healthy fats, or use as a dressing)
Once you’ve chosen those 3 main ingredients. you can often bake them all at same time, add to a crockpot, or stove cook one, bake 2 ( try to create all at once, and done! Add a seasoning of choice you enjoy, and viola!
Another great easy hack, is to make friends with your blender.
It’s an easy way to get all the nutrients you need in minutes. I love making protein shakes, and healthy juices when I’m busy or on the go. Keeps me energy levels up, gut healthy, and an easy hack to stay on top of your health goals.
Hack #10 Go To Bed Earlier.
Studies have shown the best time for optimal sleep benefits is between the hours of 10 p.m – 2 a.m.(when body secretes the most human growth hormone) and striving for 7-8hrs of quality sleep.
Moreover getting a good quality sleep balances your hormone levels allowing the body to function optimally.
Lack of sleep however can cause your body to release the “hunger hormone” ghrelin which stimulates appetite, increased food consumption, and promotes fat storage.
In conclusion don’t underestimate the power of a good nights rest.
Enjoy These 10 Lazy Girl Hacks To Lose Weight
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